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He grabs me by the shoulders and continues to kiss me.

I try to pull away but he doesn't let me.

Instead he pushed me further into the tree.

"Carl" I gasp.

He pulls away, but his faces are inches away from mine.

He looks at me in defeat, like he's actually apologizing.


I look up at him, "fuck it." I say and I place my lips onto his again.

He stops pinning my against the tree and holds me by my waist.

I go on my tipi toes because I'm that short.

We pull away and he hugs me tight.

"You don't understand how much you mean to me, Kylie.."

"I'm so so sorry, I just.." He pauses and sighs.

"I just never thought you'd like someone like me anymore.." He puts his head down.

"What do you mean?.." I tilt my head to the side.

"I mean, look at me! My face is fucked up and-"

"No! No.." I cut him off.

"Stop right there, I don't care about how you look like!"

"I care about you, your personality, your smile, your laugh, everything."

He looks down at me, "and I think that bandage looks hot on you" I smirk and he plants his lips on top of mine.

"Well, you are two little bipolar kids, aren't you?" I hear from behind us.

I turn around and see Maggie.

I laugh and put my head down, Carl snakes him arm around my waist.

"What makes you say that?" He asks.

"You get mad at each other then next thing you know, your back together" she laughs and I smile.

"Cmon, we're leavin'. Let's go" she starts walking back.

I turn to Carl, "I'm giving you one last chance, grimes." I say and he looks down at me again.

"Fair enough" he shrugs and picks me up, swinging me over his shoulder.

"Carl stop- ooh.. Nice view I got here" I giggle.

"Same." He smirks while walking.

The sun beams on us and sweat beads form on my forehead.

I look down at my boots hitting the cracked concrete road.

My breathing is heavy, I look around to see where we are but I don't think we've took this way before.

Rick tries to contact Glenn on the walkie talkie.

"Glenn, can you hear me?.. Glenn" he says and the walkie talkie keeps making a weird noise.

I feel something grab my hand.

I look down and see Carl's hand.

I smile slightly at then look up.

Carl's looking around on guard, he facial expression shows pure anger.

"What's wrong?.." I ask tilting my head to the side.

"Nothing." He says, squeezing my hand even tighter.

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