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I hear something behind the barn and I pull my gun out. "Stay back" I order and Megan steps behind me.

Then I hear footsteps running from the other side.

I run behind the barn and take a quick enough glance at the sheriff hat turning the corner.

"Don't worry, it's just Carl" I say and walk back to where Megan was and see Carl talking to her.

Damn he was fast.

I shrug and guessed he was just eavesdropping on Megan and i's conversation.

"Well, I'm gonna leave you guys to talk" I say awkwardly an Carl looks at me with a sad expression but yet happy.

I put my head down a little and walk away. "Kylie! Wait I need to tell you something!" Beth yelled from behind me.

I turned around and looked at her, "what" I say blankly.

She caught up and panted, "w-were going to Alexandria"

"Wha- really? Rick said that?"

She nodded. "I gotta go tell the others" I say walking behind the barn.

"Um, Carl. Megan." I interrupt their little conversation.

"Yeah?" Megan asks. "We're going to Alexandria safe zone" I say looking at Carl.

Carl tilts his head, "oh really." He says.

I nod and back away a little. "So, get ready." I mumble and they walk past me.

I hang my head low and sigh. "Are you coming?" Beth asks.

I walk inside with her and grab my gun, loading it with bullets.

"Oh my god YES!" I hear Megan yell from the other room.

Then I see her and Carl walking out holding hands.

I kept loading my gun, and put my knife in my pocket.

"Hold on babe. I need to talk to Kylie"

Wait.. Babe?

"Kylie" I hear Megan call for me.

Okay, time to fake a smile.

"Yeah Megan?" I smile at her.

"Thank you for your advice, you really helped me!" She smiles and hugs me.

My smile fades away and I see Carl standing at the barn doors.

He put his head down and walked out. Megan pulled away and I faked a smile again.

"Great, I'm happy for you" I nod and she giggles.

"Well, cmon lets leave this place" she says and I follow her out of the barn.

"If this place turns out to be bad, your going down with the rest of your people" Daryl spits at Aaron.

"Trust me. It won't" he said plainly

"Now my van is not so far away from here..." Me mumbled and we followed him away from the barn.

We all say in the big van while Rick drives and Aaron was in the passenger seat.

Rick wouldn't let him drive so he won't crash us or anything.

He's overprotective about us, it's nice.

Megan put her head on Carl's shoulder and Carl hung his head low from exhaustion.

I bit my lip and looked out he window of the shaking van.

The road was really uneven, I felt a cold hand hold mine.

I follow the arm up to see Maggie with a worried expression on her face.

"You alright?" She asks.

I shake my head slightly.

She sighs, "Im also still in shock that this happened with Carl and Megan" she whispers.

I tilt my head, "at least they're happy. Right? I mean you have to stay as positive as ever in this world..." I mumble the last part.

"Well-" Maggie begins shortly after she got cut off.

"We're here!" Aaron yells.

We all get out of the can and look up at the huge walls of Alexandria.

"It's really safe and well built, here let me show you inside" he says and opens the gate.

"Hurry inside so no walkers could go in" he says quickly.

We hear the groaning of walkers behind us. "Cmon!" He says and Rick takes one last look at the place before walking in.

"This place is huge" Glenn whispers to Maggie.

We walk by two houses and Aaron points to them. "This is where your gonna be staying" he says and Rick steps on the porch.

He nods in agreement and I see a older woman walk towards us.

"Hello, I am Deanna and I'm in charge of his place. So what we're gonna do is interview each one of you individually" she states and everyone looks at her.

"Then, well get you settled in" she says.

So far Rick, Daryl, Maggie, carol, and Beth have been interviewed.

The only people left are, me, Glenn, Sasha, Carl, Megan, Abraham, Rosita, Eugene, and more.

We're a big family.

"Now, how about you over there" Deanna says pointing to me.

I nod and walk with her into the building.

She puts up a camera at me and clicks record. "What we're gonna do is record you while I ask you some questions okay?"

I nod and sit down on the white chair. "Okay, where are you originally from?" She asks.



"My mom and dad, but my dad left somewhere I can't remember before all this happened, I waited for him but he never really came so, that's when I gave up on him.." I put my head down.

"And your mom?" She asks. I sigh and shake my head.

She nods and writs something on her paper. "Who do you think is the most useless person in your so called 'family'?"

I laugh, "father Gabriel" I say and she nods.

"What does he do to help?"

"Nothing" I scoff.

"Oh wow, then why carry him along?"

"Because he's part of our family now, and maybe he's just like Judith but-"

"Who is Judith?" She asks.

"Ricks daughter and Carl's sister"

"Who's Carl?" She asks.

Damn that's a lot of questions.

"He's one of the kids here,"

"Have you and him had any, special feelings for each other?"

I freeze a little, "Kylie"

"I-I... I actually don't really know, he's dating a girl in our group named Megan so I don't think so.." I mumble and she nods and clicks her pen.

"Thank you, you may leave" she says.

I get up and walk outside, her following behind me.

Then she called Carl into the house.

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Word count: 1042

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