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I changed chapter 26 (Carl gives Kylie a necklace before they are covered in guts)

"Wha-.. Dad?.." Carl stutters in pure shock.

"Carl.. I-it's" Rick stutters as well.

Carl runs down the stairs and out the door.

I look up at Rick and Michonne in shock, then run down the stairs.

I open the door and run outside.

I look around, "Carl!" I yell out.

Some people stare at me, but I just shrug it off.

"Carl!" I yell again.

I go behind the building, still no Carl.

I walk around looking for him.

Then, I see the hat.

That has to be him.

I see him stomping over behind a house.

I jog over behind the house and I instantly gasp.

Carl was kissing this blonde girl from the community.

I could hear my heart tear apart, tears built up in my eyes.

They pulled away and Carl and I made eye contact.

Carl gets startled and his eyes widen.

"Kylie I-"

"No" I say, trying to stay calm.

I walk over to him and tear off the necklace off of my neck.

I grab him arm and put the necklace in his hand.

"Do you really love me?" I take my gaze off the necklace and glare up at him, my eyes showing pure hurt.

He looks down at me, his eyes glossy.

He stays silent.

"I'm done with you, Grimes."

And with that, I walk away.

"Kylie!" Carl yells.

I don't answer, I'm to heartbroken to even speak.

It's been a week and I haven't talked to Carl, I couldn't even look at him.

Rick, Michonne, Eugene, Maggie, Rosita, Carl, Daryl and I are going on a run.

Rick called us in the 'church' of Alexandria to talk about what we're going to get on the run and what we need.

"We're going to have to find as much food as possible, anything you can find that's helpful" he said.

"Remember, do not fill your bag up with trash, things you don't need." he said, looking directly at Eugene, who was sitting next to me.

I look up at him and laugh silently.

"Action figures are not trash" Eugene states and I facepalm.

Rick sighs silently and continues talking.

"Everyone to the RV" he motions us out the door.

I walk out with Daryl, Carl right behind us.

"Kylie.." He calls out for me silently.

I shoot him a glare, "just don't, Carl.." I say and run into the RV, leaving Daryl and Carl behind.

In the RV, I sit down on a couch and put my head on my hands that are on my knees.

Carl sits in front of me, trying to tie his shoe.

I look down at his fingers trying to tie the laces.

It somehow got me frustrated, I got up and kneeled down next to him on the floor.

I tie his shoe and huff, getting up again.

"Wait." He says grabbing my wrist.

I look back at him, "Carl please don't.." I say, barely audible.

He gives me his puppy eyes stare.

"Ugh, what do you want-"

"We're here everyone out" Rick says.

I shrug at him and get out of the RV.

We're at this huge supermarket.

We walk to it and Daryl bangs on the door.

Out of the dark, walkers stumble out of the isles.

There's only two, so we don't really have to worry.

Rick opens the doors and Daryl stabs both of the walkers.

We walk in and I immediately go into the food isle.

My knife clutched in one hand and the white bag held in the other.

I walk slowly and put some canned goods in the bag.

I hear footsteps from behind me.

I turn around and see Daryl.

"Oh hey" I say, looking around more.

"So what's up with you n' Carl huh?" He asks.

"Nothing he just.." I sigh and shake my head, exhausted.

"He cheated on me.." I say filling up the bag more.

Daryl glares at a bag of chips, he picks it up.

"What's wrong?" I ask walking closer to him.

"This was Merle's favorite.." He mutters, shoving it into the sack.

"Who's that?" I ask.

"He.. He's my brother." He says.

"Was, my brother.." He puts his head down and swings his sack on his back.

"Oh.. I'm sorry." I say and he scratches the back of his head.

"Yeah well,.. He wasn't a really nice person" he says and just then, Carl walks in the isle.

Daryl sees him and starts to walk away.

"I'll leave you two kids to talk" he says and looks at me, before disappearing into another isle.

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