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Thank you MandyLuper for helping me with this chapter❤️

"Where do you think you're going?" Carl asks me as I head towards the gate.

"I'm going on a run, why?" I tilt my head to the side.

He chuckles, "alone?"

I nod and holster my gun.

"No you're not" he says and I huff.

"Carl please-"

"I'm not letting you go out there alone!" He cuts me off.

"You can contact me on the radio-"

"No because you're not going" he glares at me.

"Carl!" I yell, "don't argue with me!" He yells back.

"Stop treating me like a baby!" I yell.

"Yeah whatever.." He rolls his eye.

I ball up my fists and glare at him as he walks away.

That's when I run out, closing the gates behind me.

I walk down the road, looking around.

It's the perfect weather, not too hot but sort of cold.

I take a deep breath, all of a sudden the radio statics.

"Kylie?.... You There?" I hear Carl's voice.

"Uh.. Y-yeah" answer.

"Where the fuck are you?!" He yells.

"Don't worry I found some pretty good supplies, I'm fine and I'm Heading back." I reply.

"But where are you?"

"Im at a storage room, next to caven street. Not too far away"

I hear him sigh, "fine.. I-I love you, stay safe"

I laugh at how nervous he is.

"I love you too, be back soon" I giggle and put the radio back in my bag.

I leave the abandoned storage room and start heading back.

I hear faint growling in the distance behind me.

I tilt my head to the side and then turn around.

I stumble back in shock as my eyes widened.

"Fuck.." I mutter to myself and start backing up.

I quickly take out my radio and turn it on. "Uh, Carl.."

He replies right away,"what is it baby?" He asks.

"There's a little... Problem" I say and run back into the storage room.

"What? Tell me!" He sounds concerned.

"A horde.." I mutter and the line statics.

"Are you alright?!" He asks.

As I was about to reply, my radio falls out of my bag and breaks as it hits the ground.

"Shit!" I say as i lock the door, pushing some furniture on it.

"Kylie? Hello?!" I get off my bed and run out my bedroom door, bumping into my dad.

"Woah, why such a rush?" He asks.

"Kylie! She's gone for a run and she's in trouble, I'm going to get her!" I yell and run out the door.

"Carl! CARL!" He yells and I impatiently turn around.

"What?!" I yell.

"You can't go out there, it's too dangerous!" He says.

"Like hell I won't" I respond angrily.

"Kylie's in trouble and if I don't come and get her, she'll die" I glare at him and open the gates, running out.

"CARL!" Dad yells and runs after me.

"GET BACK HERE!" He yells but I ignore him.

I keep running with my machine gun slanged over my shoulder.

I back up as the walkers start cracking the big, glass windows.

"Shit.." I mumble and start backing up.

The window breaks and walkers come spilling in.

I run and climb onto a shelf, kicking a walker that grabbed onto my foot.

I take out my gun and start repeatedly shooting the walkers.

Don't be afraid, like your mom told you. You can do this.

I shoot some all around me and back up against the wall, the walkers stomping over one another.

I feel their hands touch my feet and I knew I was fucked.

I shot the walkers that got too close to me.

Bang bang bang!

I pant as I try to stay calm

Then the door bursts open again.

Bang! bang! bang! bang!

I look up at see Carl with a machine gun, shooting the walkers repeatedly.

They all fall to the floor and I sigh in relief, sweat beads on my face.

"Holy shit you're fast" I pant and look up at the ceiling, panting.

Carl runs up to me and helps me down.

He hugs me tightly, "I can't believe I let you go out here alone, I'm such an idiot"

"Carl stoppp" I whine.

Rick runs in right after, panting.

"Carl what the hell?!" He yells.

Carl turns around and glares at him, holding me tighter.

I look up at him then at Rick.

"Carl I told you that you stay here and we'll go get her!" He yells at him.

Carl rolls his eyes.

"You never trust me in anything!" He yells and let's go of me.

Rick sighs and we all walk out, I clutch onto the bag of supplies I picked up before we left.

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Follow MandyLuper she gave me the idea for this chapter ❤️

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