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New book called Anarchy go read it. :)

"Well at least we can take a break now.." Beth said.

"Oh yeah, Rick said we have to work a lot tonight since there so much to do" Megan shrugs.

"Damnet.. I hate when this happens.." Beth whines.

"If we get things done early, then we'll go to sleep earlier. So come on let's start!" Carl says.

There's still light out I think it's about 5 or 6 depending on the sunlight.

"Okay let's go in pairs, Kylie, come with me. Then Megan and Carl go together then we switch partners every chore." Beth says.

"Uh.. O-okay" Carl says scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay!" Megan says grabbing Carl's hand.

Beth pulled my hand and started walking. I dragged behind her and gave Carl a shrug and I worried look.

'I'm sorry' I mouthed. Carl shakes his head while Megan pulls him away.

'It's okay' he mouthed back.

"Okay we'll be on Walker duty." Beth says and hands me an iron bar.

I nod and start stabbing the walkers in the head.

We stab them until night time.

"Okay, no more walkers in the area... Next chore." Beth says and wipes the sweat off her forehead.

I wipe my bloody hands on my jeans and look over to Megan and Carl.

There fixing the gate on the other end and Carl had to pick her up so she can tie the rope on the upper part of the gate.

I roll my eyes at how she keeps undoing her tie just to stay on his shoulders.

"Megan h-hurry up.. I'm getting tired" he grunted.

"Tsk.. Poor Carl.." I mumble.

"Yeah.. She's giving him a lot of hard work." Beth adds putting her hair up in a ponytail.

"Ahh!" Megan yelps and falls on top of Carl.

I gasped and Beth and I ran over to them.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked helping them both up.

"Y-yeah.." Carl says rubbing his head.

I grabbed his hat and put it on my head.

"Wow.. That looks good on you" Carl smirks

"Haha, thanks. but it looks better on you" I said taking the hat off and putting it on his head.

He blushed and scratched the back of his head.

"Okay now Carl and Kylie, and Megan and me" Beth says.

"Okay" Carl and I say simply.

It's 1:00am already and I'm exhausted.

I yawned and followed Carl inside the prison showers to clean it up.

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