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Go read my new book if Twd has iPhones it's funny af

I was walking down the street until I see Taylor running towards me.

"Kylie! Wait!"

I groan and stop walking, letting her catch up.

"What is it Taylor?" I ask.

"You wanna take a walk?" She asks and I shrug.

"Yeah sure-"

"Over the gates" she cuts me off.

"Oh okay, sure" I say and we go to the back of the gates and climb up.

We jump off and I look around, having the feeling of being watched.

"Is there anything wrong?" She asks and I shake my head.

"It's nothing.." I say and we keep walking.

She shrugs and we keep walking.

"It's getting dark I think we should go back.." I say and we both sit up from under the tree.

I start walking, thinking Taylor was walking too, until I hear a click.

I turn around and see a gun aimed at my face.

"Taylor wha-"

"Shut up. You know what's going on" she spits and I tilt my head to the side.

I slowly take steps back, and she takes steps foreword.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I say and she laughs.

"You know that if I want something, I get it. Ever since we were kids"

I give her a confused look.

"And the thing I want is Carl" she smirks and I huff.

"Well you know Carl isn't an object."

"Actually.." She steps forwards.

"When he find out you're dead, he'll need someone to comfort him" she sighs and I roll my eyes.

"Taylor don't do this.." I sigh and she loads the gun.

"Like hell I won't.." She says.


I get shot twice in the stomach and stumble backwards.

I double over and hold my stomach in pain.

"F-FUCK!!" I scream and my vision gets blurry.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

I look up and see Taylor, her mouth gaped open as blood pours out of, well, everywhere on her body.

She falls to the ground and I struggle to take breaths. "S-Shit.." I gulp.

I weakly turn my head and see Carl running towards me.

"Oh my god Kylie!" He yells.

I stare at him for a moment as he runs towards me. "Are you hurt?!" His voice fades and so does my vision.

My eyes roll back and I fall into the ground. A pool of blood surrounding me.

"Fuck! Kylie!" I yell as I collapse beside her.

I lift up her shirt and see to bullet wounds on her stomach.

"Oh my god.." I say and pick her up, I start sprinting.

"OPEN THE FUCKING GATES!" I scream and Sasha looks down at me.

She notices Kylie and her eyes widen.

She signals Rosita to open the gates.

I run inside, "holy shit what happened?!" My dad yells as I collapse on the ground, panting with Kylie in my arms.

"Taylor shot her twice.. Help, please" I yell and Daryl runs up to us.

"I'll go get the nurse, I'll be back, Daryl take her to the clinic." He says and Daryl takes her from me.

He runs towards the clinic, I run fast behind him.

He kicks open the door and lays her on the table.

"How'd this shit happen?!"

"Taylor shot her twice.."

My dad runs in the room, with the nurse behind him.

"We need to leave the room.." He says.

I refuse to leave, which causes my dad to drag me out.

I remember the time I got shot, it was horrible. I guess we're equal now, we both got shot twice..

It's been almost 2 hours, and I haven't left the porch. Enid came to join me, "hey what happened, I hear all the commotion outside" she says and sits beside me.

"And why are covered in blood?" She tilts her head.

"That's a dumb ass question to ask" she says quickly. "We get covered in blood every day.." she sighs.

"So what happened?" She looks at me. "T-Taylor shot Kylie twice.." my hands ball into fists.

"What?! Where is that bitch?" She stands up. "I killed her." I said and she huffs, sitting back down.

"How long have you been out here-" Enid gets cut off when we hear a loud scream from the clinic.

We look at each other wide-eyed and run inside.

The first thing that comes out of my mouth is a scream. I hold my stomach and double over on the bed.

Suddenly, the door flies open. "Kylie! Are you okay?!" I hear Carl yells and rips the covers off of me.

My screams turn into whimpers. "Move your hands" he grabs my wrists and moves it away from my waist.

"Your wounds are bleeding.." he says and Enid sits down on the other edge of the bed.

He grabs a new pair of bandages. He wraps them around my waist tightly.

I take deep breaths as I stare up at the ceiling in pain.

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