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"We've only been here for only 2 days and that stupid-.. Priest has to fuck everything up!" Carl growl and kicks the gravel.

"I know but what do you want to do about it?" I asked and got my knife out.

He shrugged, "I don't know but he seems like a pussy" he huffs.

Carl and I are on a run for some supplies.

Father Gabriel believes that we shouldn't kill the walkers, we have to wait for God to help.

What an idiot.

"And why is that?" I ask. "Because I had to save him from one Walker, Kylie. ONE fucking walker." He exclaims.

I sigh, "well.." I begin. "I have nothing.." I giggle.


"Kylie, can you come here for a second?" I hear a girl's voice from behind me.

I freeze in my tracks.

Fucking Megan.

I turn around slowly and smile at her. "Oh my god! Your alive, I didn't even notice you were gone!" He say sarcastically.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm glad your okay Carl" she smiles and walks towards us.

Carl slowly reached for my hand and grabbed it, he took a few steps backwards. Megan jumped on him and slammed her lips onto his.

"I'll be going now" I said and started walking away.

When Megan pulled away Carl ran after me.

"Kylie.. Kylie stop!.. Kylie STOP!" He says and grabs my wrist and turns me around

"What" I spat.

"What's wrong with you lately?" He asks.

"What's wrong with me? Me? Haha, okay" I said and turned back around.

Carl grabbed me and slammed my against the church building.

I flinch and he looks at me seriously.

"Tell me what's wrong, Kylie" he growls.

"It doesn't matter Carl, this isn't about me. It's about surviving. So if you'll excuse me" I said and pushed him away.

"That's not true" he says and I stop walking.

I don't look back at him,

"well this is my goal, to survive" she says and keeps walking.

I close my eyes, bite my lips and look down before looking up, she's gone.

"Kylie? Kylie!" Yell into the forest.

I walk into the church and see her stabbing walkers that somehow got in.

I quickly grab my knife and help her stab the walkers.

"T-thank yo-" She says before pushing me aside roughly.

"Ow what the fuck?!" I yell and look up.

She stepped on a walkers head that was behind me.

"Sorry" she giggles and helps me up.

"Nah it's fine, thanks though" I say and put my hand on my shoulder.

She gives me a crooked smile and just then, the back door busted open.

Everyone's on a run, except me, michonne, Kylie, and of course Gabriel.

Walkers came stumbling in.

"Shit!" Carl and I say in synch. We look at each other quickly and aim our guns, shooting at the walkers.

My eyes widen. "Judith!" I yell and start walking towards the crowd. "Wait! She's over here, behind me, don't go in there!" He yells shooting walkers that came close to me.

I look back at him, "what about father Gabriel?" I ask. "No one gives a fuck about him" he grunts  

"I have to go save him, stay here" I say and run into the herd.

"KYLIE!" His voice fades into the moaning and groaning.

I shoot everywhere, getting covered in blood in the process. I think it's enough to make them think I'm a walker.

I stop shooting and go into father Gabriel's room to find him there hiding behind the bed.

He screamed when he saw me. "Come here, I'm not gonna kill you. I'm here to save you. Follow me" I say and he moves slowly from under the bed.

I grab his arm and lead him shoot a walker.

I drag it in the room and drench the priest in blood, he almost vomits.

"Oh my, this isn't okay! Just let me die!" He freaks out.

"You have to be quiet, follow me around the herd." I say.

We get to the place where I left Carl and saw him and Judith gone.

Think happy thoughts, he's probably outside.

I take a deep breath and lead Gabriel outside behind the building.

"Kylie!" I heard Carl scream. He ran over to me and hugged me, I stumbled back from the force.

"I'm so happy your okay!" He smiled.

"Where's Judith?" I ask.

"She's over here" he says and lifts up the baby carrier where Judith lays.

I sigh in relief and we wait for the rest of the group to arrive.

"What the hell happened?" I hear Rick tell from behind me.

Carl and I turned around and he began to speak. "Well, the back door flew open and, well.. all the walkers spilled in.." Carl says.

Rick face palms. "And how does that happen?" Glenn asks.

"Trust me, it happened" I say and Maggie sighs, "well we need to find a new place to stay in.."

(I'm skipping terminus, is that okay? Good)

We walked for miles and miles until we found a place, it was a barn but it will due, there was no walkers in there so we just settled in there.

"We'll stay here until we find a place to permanently stay in" Rick says.

"I know a place" I hear an unfamiliar makes voice call out from the back.

Everyone turns around and steps back, all in synch.

"Hello, my name is Aaron and I come in peace." Rick takes out his gun and aims it at his head.

"No, no, no don't shoot me! I want to take you somewhere, where it's safe" Aaron says putting his hands up.

Carl stands in front of me and takes out his gun too.

Is he trying to protect me?

The man steps forward and Carl pushes me back a little.

Yes he is.

"A-Alexandria safe zone, it's right there in the name. I know you'll all love it there, there's food, water, shelter, you all can live a normal, easy life if you just come with me."

"Daryl." Rick says and Daryl steps forward.

"Tie him up"

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