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Thank you marianalynch01 , UniqueRiggs , and twentyonechandlers for helping me with this chapter

I sat in the chair and Dianna pulled out a camera and started recording me.

"So, Carl how old are you?" She asks pulling out a notepad.

"I'm 15 years old"

"Your the same age as Kylie, right?"

"No, she's still-..." I freeze.

Oh my god, her birthday was two days ago..

"Oh my god" I say face palming myself.

"Is something wrong?" She asks.

I sigh, "yes, I'm the same age as her"

She nods and writes down on her paper.

"So I heard that your dad is Rick, right?"

I nod, "and your girlfriend is-"

"Megan, yes" I say.

She nods again, "has Kylie said anything about me?" I ask.

Dianna clears her throat, "I am not allowed to give out any other information of the others"

I groan, flopping back on the chair. "Why do you want to know?" She asks.

I shrug "it's nothing, no reason"

We've been here for about a week and I met a couple new friends.

Their names are Enid and Ron. Their very nice.

But something weird is going on with Ron.

"Kylie! Are you going on a run with us?" Enid yells from behind me.

I turn around and see her, Ron, Carl, Megan and Beth walking towards me.

"Uh, yeah sure" I smile.

Ron stares at me up and down, I shift uncomfortably in my spot.

"Cmon lets-"

"WOLVES! WOLVES ARE NEAR!" I hear someone scream over the speakers.

"Oh my god, we have to stay indoors!" Enid says and Beth Carl Megan and I tilt our heads in confusion.

"Who are the wolves?" Beth asks. "They're our enemies, they come every once in a while to kill a couple people" Ron shrugs, not taking his eyes off of me.

Carl noticed this and balled up his fists.

Don't you have a girlfriend?

I bit my lip and looked down. Then, we heard gunshots.

Carl whips around to the sound of the gunshots and pulls out his gun.

We all do the same except Enid.

I gave her a puzzled look, "I only have a knife! I don't know how to use a gun!" She panicked.

"Go inside now! Beth go with her" Ron yells and they run inside.

"Stay behind me" Ron says and steps in front of me.

"No, it's fine I can handle it by-"

I shot someone that almost tackled me to the ground.

"We just have to stay together!" Megan yells.

Everyone is away from each other and is frantically shooting all the wolves.

I spot Carl and Megan at the gate and run over to them.

"I found you guys!" I yell and Carl looks back and sighs in relief.

"Come here" he says and grabs me.

"I'll be right back!" Megan yells and runs behind the truck.

"NO COME BACK HERE!" Carl and I scream in synch.

We look at each other and run behind the truck. Then we heard a blood curdling scream.

I run in front of Carl and gasp.

My eyes widen and I see two girls stabbing Megan on the floor.

I scream making them turn their attention to me.

They wipe the blood off their faces and walk over to me.

They raise they're knifes and were about to attack until, bang bang!

I turn around and see Carl, staring at Megan, with watering eyes.

I look at Megan as well, tears trickle down my face.

Carl falls to his knees and gasps.

He takes out his knife and stabs her in the head, to keep her from turning.

"Carl, I-I'm so sorry.." I bend down and wrap my hands around him.

"It's not you.." He mumbles putting his head down.

I open my eyes and see someone, scooting beach wards behind a car.

I take a closer look and see Ron, blood spilling out of his leg.

"Oh my god! Carl cmon!" I yell and grab his hand.

I run while Carl drags behind me, shooting wolves.

"Ron!" I yell and he looks over at me.

"We've go to get you inside!"

"Thank you for, ya know.. Helping me with-" Ron gets cut of and hisses.

"I know, it burns a lot.." I say and he nods, squeezing his eyes shut.

So far no more wolves, Carl is on watch duty and Ron and I are below the gate and I'm helping his cut heal.

It's been 3 days since the wolves attacked.

"Your cut is already healing up" I say and we stand up. "You need help to walk?"

"Actually? No" he smiles and walks closer to me.

"Thank you" he whispers and moves his hand closer to my cheek.

He steps closer to me and looks into my eyes.

What are you doing?

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Word count: 813

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