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"Ow!" I hissed. "That burns like hell" I say as Beth puts the ointment on the cut on my forehead.

"It's not gonna stop bleeding. however, you don't need stitches. We need to clean it and then put the ointment on"

"Since when did you become a doctor?" I ask and she looks up at me.

"Daddy used to always teach me" she says as she dabs my cut with a wet cloth.

"Oh really?"

She shrugs, "yeah I always used to get hurt doing stupid things so dad had to patch me up" she giggled.

"Tell me about it" I smile and she finishes with the wet cloth.

"Now this is going to burn..." She sighs and dabs the ointment on my cut.

I wanted to scream so bad but I slapped my hand over my mouth and whimpered.

I didn't want to wake everyone up. "Hey what happened" Carl yawned, walking into the room.

He stops as soon as he sees the bloody washcloths on the floor.

"I actually don't know... I woke up with this.." I say and flinch when Beth puts a white band aid on my cut.

Carl walks over to me and sits on the bed.

We look at each other and he skims his thumb over the bandaid.

"There's a small bump" he says I flinch.

"S-sorry.." He mumbles and I put my hand on his shoulder.

"It's fine. But what happened to all the walkers?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Wanna go check it out?" Beth suggests and we nod, walking out the back door carefully with our guns out.

I know it's weird seeing a 16, 14, and a 13 year old holding guns out but- I just remembered..

"It's my birthday today.." I whispered to myself.

"Wha- really?" Carl turns to me.

"Huh? Oh you heard that?" I sigh and hold my gun out at the sudden groans I hear from I front of the barn.

"Oh. My. God." Beth says under her breath.

All of the tree fell on top of all the walkers.

"I can't believe it.. How did this happen?" I ask.

Carl tilts his head. "I have no clue.." He says.

The others came out one by one. "I guess God helped us after all" Gabriel says and we all turn to him.

"There's no god" Carl begins, walking over to him, "there was never a god. So shut the fuck up and-"

"Carl" Rick says backing him up. Carl glares up at Rick and huffs.

"Carl calm down" I say to him and he shoots me a glare too.

I sigh and back up. This kid can be an idiot sometimes.

"Go back into the barn and get Judith." He orders.

Carl rolls his eyes and runs into the barn.

Beth puts her hand on my shoulder and sighs. I look up at her and Rick asks me to check on Carl and see what's taking so long.

I nod and run into the barn and see Carl, bent down, stabbing a walker in the head multiple times.

"You. Mother. Fucker." He said with each stab. "Carl!" I yell but he doesn't stop, the walkers skull is already bashed in.

"Carl stop!" I yell and run over to him, trying to pry him off of the Walker.

"NO!" He yells and with one swift motion, he whipped his knife around and sliced a deep cut into my cheek.

"Ow shit!" I hiss stumbling back and falling on the ground.

Carl drops his knife and gasps, "I'm so sorry Kylie I-"

"It's fine" I cut him off. "No it's not! Here let me see" he says trying to get me to take my hand off of my cheek.

I pull my hand away and blood trickled down my cheek.

"I-I.." He begins.

"It's fine, can you hand me that rag please" I say pointing to that white rag on the table.

He nods at grabs it, he bends down and try's to stop the bleeding.

"I think you have to lay down so the blood will stop trickling down.." He mumbles and I nod.

"Here, put your head on my lap" he pays his lap and I do as he says.

"Okay, now if I could just get the ointment-"

"There's some in my bag" Aaron says.

It had just occurred to me that Aaron was still tied to that pole and saw the whole thing.

"O-oh thanks" Carl reaches for his bag and pulls the ointment out.

He puts some on my cheek and I squeeze my eyes shut. "That stings like hell!" I yell aloud.

"Yeah but that's what keeps it from getting infected" he says and finishes up.

"Thank you.." I said getting up from his lap. I could tell he was disappointed that I did but now wasn't the time.

"Can one of you untie me please?" Aaron asks. I take a long look at him before walking over, but Carl stops me.

"No, it's up to my dad" he says and Aaron huffs and hangs his head low.

"I'm gonna die here.." He mumbles.

We grab Judith from the room and start walking outside, "I'm sorry for cutting you, I just.... I was just really mad"

"It's okay really, no hard feelings" I say putting my hand on his shoulder and he gives me a half smile.

"So what are we gonna do about Aaron?" Beth asks.

"I actually don't know... Rick can't trust anyone without them proving that they are trustworthy." Maggie states.

Rick walks into the barn and Daryl follows. "Um, Kylie... Can I talk to you?" I hear Megan say from behind me.

I look back at her and shrug, she pulls me behind the building and sighs.

"I... I-I'm sorry, on how I've been acting. I just.. I just really like Carl and I see how you and him look and each other and act together and it just makes me jealous..." She says and starts to cry.

"I-... I don't really know what to say, I mean.. If you can just be nicer and actually improve your behavior next to him, then maybe he'll start to like you"

"And stop being thirsty." I whisper and she looks up at me. "I guess your right.. But if Carl starts to like me, you won't, get jealous will you?" She asks.

"What? No! Of course not, him and I are just friends" I reassure her.

So Kylie, doesn't like me...

I may or may not have been eavesdropping behind the building...

Does Megan actually feel that way about me?

A small smile creeps on to my face. At least there's someone who likes me.

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