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After this chapter I'm just gonna say Negan let them go and continue on with my book because I'd like to make up my own ideas not just from the show.
Bc I can:)

Soon after I see the RV come back around and I squeeze my arm even tighter.

The bleeding won't stop..

The door opens and Negan kicks Rick out and he rolls onto the gravel.

I take a good look at him to see if he's seriously hurt but he seems fine, just terrified.

Negan slowly walks over to Carl, then grabs him by the collar of his shirt.

"Stand up" he says and he does what he tells him to.

He takes out a leather belt and ties it around his arm. "Tight?" He asks and Carl glares at him.

"No." he spits. "It should" Negan chuckles.

He pushes him back onto the ground and my breath hitches.

"C-Carl.." I whimper under my breath.

"Lay down straight, buddy" he pats him on the back and hands the ax to Rick.

One of the saviors pass him a pen and he bends down, drawing a long black line right below his elbow.

What is he doing?..

"Now Rick.." he says and forces the ax into his hand.

"I want you, to cut off your sons arm" he says and I remove my hand from my wound and slap it over my mouth, getting blood all over my face.

Carl's eyes widen but he tries to act as calm as possible. "N-No, please.." Rick swallows hard.

"It's either that or I bash his head in like the other two" Negan shrugs and Carl looks at me.

We look at each other for a long time, "it's going to be okay.." Carl mouths to me.

I shake my head in disbelief and his eyes widen when he looks at my arm.

I follow his gaze and cover it with my hand to try to stop the bleeding. There's a puddle of my blood already surrounding me as I try to say conscious.

Negan yells at Rick and forces his arm into the air. "NO PLEASE DONT!" I suddenly scream before hearing another bang!

My shoulder starts bleeding again and I whimper, trying not to scream again.

"Keep your mouth shut" the savior growls in my ear and I glare at him with all the strength I got.

The blood from my wound trickles down my arm and everything gets blurry.

I shake my head a bit to stay conscious but it's not use, I've lost too much blood.

I feel myself collapse beside Maggie before I lose myself to the darkness.

I keep quiet even though I want to get up and run over to Kylie.

I squirm around to try and get up and get Kylie but I feel Negan's foot press down on my back and push me down onto the gravel road again. 

"Don't. Move." Negan says and I breathe heavily as he presses down on my chest with his foot.

"Please! She'll die! She's losing blood!" I hear Maggie sob and I look over at her.

She's lost everything.  And Kylie is like a daughter to her.

I want to scream, and i want to cry. But it's time to be brave, and show my dad Im brave. Even though he himself is breaking down.

"Please don't do this to my son.." Rick cries and Negan chuckles.

Son. Of. A. Bitch.

"okay, fine. But you belong to me, you understand?" Negan says and Rick drops the ax.

"UNDERSTAND?!" He yells and he flinched.

"Y-Yes..." my dad stutters.

This is the first time he ever surrendered to someone.

My eyes widen in shock of what he just said.

"W-What?.." I say barely audible under my breath.

"I'll see you all soon" Negan glares at every single one of us. "I've got business to take care of.." he says and signals all of his saviors to get back to camp.

We all just sit there, in pure shock.

Maggie slowly stands up and sobs.

Michonne gets up and removes her hands away from her face.

"Dumb fucks, leave kill two of us and leave.." Sasha punches the gravel.

I slowly stand up and rip the leather belt off of me.

I walk over to Kylie and pick her up.

"D-Dad.." I stutter and Rick looks up at me from the floor.

There's a moment of silence between everyone. Until my dad breaks it.

"Let's go home.."

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