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💀Okay so I said I was going to continue the Negan scene when twd came back on. So...

(Pretend Kylie is YOUR pov from the episode) I don't wanna write EXACTLY what happened, but many people wanted me to SO here we go!


I stumble a couple times, trying to walk straight. "Woah easy, careful" Carl chuckles, grabbing ahold of my arm.

"I'm fine Carl, i can walk by myself" I grünt once the pain shoots up my stomach and collapse onto my knees, panting.

Carl gently picks me up and steadies me back on the ground.

"I'll be a-alright, I'm fine-"

"RICK ANOTHER LETTER!" I hear Sasha yell from the gates and we both shoot our gazed there.

"What?" I tilt my head to the side. "I think it's from Negan" he says, biting his lip.

I sigh and I limp over to the gate. Rick walks up the ladder and takes the note from Sasha.

He chuckles and rolls his eyes.

"Fucking bastard.." he mutters and rips the note to pieces.

"What is it dad?" Carl says, removing his arms from my waist.

"Get in the RV.." he sighs and I tilt my head to the side.

"Kylie go get the rest of the group, get them to the RV" he says. "What's this about?" I ask and he turns around.

"Negan set up multiple bomb here, and if we don't go, he'll blow up Alexandria. And we won't want this happening." Rick says and walks in the RV.

"He also has Daryl captive, we have to go.." he says and walks to get the RV.

"Oh hell no.." I groan.

Once everyone's in the RV, which is pretty stupid to do, I walk to get in but Carl grabs my wrist.

"You can't go.."

"What? Yes I can!" I say and he pulls me closer to him.

"It's way too dangerous! Did you see what happened last time?!" He yells and I flinch. "We saved everyone right?" I stutter and he sighs.

"Well now we can't get everyone back there because if we do, Alexandria will explode before we can even run there"

"I-I'm going with you" I glare at him and push him to the side. "Kylie-"

"Carl she has to come." Rick interrupts.

"What?! Why?" Carl shoots him a glare.

"Because he said bring every single person from before" Rick rolls his eyes and pulls me in.


I smirk at Carl and he runs into the RV to catch me.

"Kylie!" He shouts but I lock myself in the RV bathroom.

"Come out here!" He yells. "Not until we're away from Alexandria!" I yell back.

I hear the engine rev up and I smile. "Kylie!" He bangs on the door. "No! Rick SAID i have to come!" I yell.

"Can you two shut up?" Abraham chuckles.

Soon, I get out of the bathroom and Carl glares at me.

I smile at him and he motions me to come sit next to him.

As I walk over to him the pain shoots up my spine again and I collapse onto the ground for the second time.

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