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I uploaded a gif of Carl and Ron fighting on chapter 16 if you wanna check that out

I slowly walk over to Carl, raising my eyebrow.

"What?" I ask once more.

He motions me to come closer with his finger.

What is he planning?

I walk over to him and before I could even react to anything,

He grabbed me and crashed his lips onto mine.


My eyes widen and Carl grabs the back of my neck and pulls me closer.

I close my eyes and kiss back.

"Carl" I hear Ron's voice from beside us.

We pull away and I blush madly.

"I need you to help me on watch guard" he mutters and Carl glares at him.

I look at my feet and bite my lip.

"We'll continue this later" Carl whispers in my ear then walks passed Ron.

"Damn.." I hear a soft voice from behind me and I turn around.

I see a boy with dark brown hair and blue/green eyes leaning on the wall.

"Oh, hello" I say and take little step back.

"Hey" he says and pushes himself off of the wall.

"How long were you standing there?" I ask a little nervous.

"Long enough to see how hot you are" he smirks.


"You have a boyfriend?" He asks.

"Well I-" I start, now that I think about it...

Do I have a boyfriend?

The boy walks closer to me and I back away.

"So that's a no" he smirks.

"My names hunter" he says and stretches out his hand.

I hesitate at first, but I reach out to shake his hand.

The moment we touched hands he grabs it and pulls me closer to him.

I bump into his chest and he chuckles, "wow, your pretty weak aren't you?"

Ha, that's funny.

I push him away and look back and try and look for Carl and Ron.

I walk in front of Ron and made my way to the wall.

"You know, we haven't really finished what we started.." Ron says followed by the click of a gun.

I freeze and turn around to see that Ron is aiming a gun at me.

"Isn't that right, Carl?" He spits and walks closer to me.

I slowly reach for my gun, "you know, I actually trusted you. I thought you were my friend"

"I was" I growl.

He chuckled, "not until you started playing with Kylie"

"She was never yours at the first place." I mutter and punch him square in the face.


He missed as I ducked and grabbed my gun.

I ran as Ron kept shooting at me.

I turned behind the porch and shot towards him a couple times but missed.

The next thing I hear is gun shots.

Lots of them.

My eyes turn to where the gunshots were coming from and I gasp.

Carl and Ron were shooting at each other.

I start running but hunter grabbed my wrist.

"Hey where are you going beautiful?" He smirks.

"Let go of me" I say through gritted teeth and he shakes his head.

Carl ran into the house and so did Ron.

Oh shit.

"Let me go now!" I tell and he only pulls me closer and slams me against the wall.

"I don't think so" he smirks and starts kissing my neck.

"I don't have time for this" I sigh and knee him in the gut.

He falls to the ground and gasps for air.

I run into the house and look around frantically.

I go upstairs but this not there.

Where could they be?

I suddenly hear a crash from downstairs, like a shelf or something fell.

I rush downstairs and see them in the kitchen fighting each other.

Glass breaking and everything.

"CARL! RON! STOP!" I scream at them but they don't listen.

Ron notices me and grabs a knife.

He runs towards me and grabs me.

"Ron!" I scream as he literally drags me up the stairs and into a room.

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Word count: 682

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