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Screams, cries, that's all I hear.
Every day. All day.

"Lizzie! Come back here!" Mika screamed and cried at her sister.

"Lizzie!" Carl yelled running after me.

Lizzie had gone somewhere chasing a walker.

"Kylie wait! Don't go after her! You'll get hurt!" Carl yelled.

"No I have to save her!" I say running out the gate and pulling out my gun.

"No! Stop!" I say banging on the gate.

"Carl, don't go after her.. She's not worth it" Megan said.

I sighed and Kylie looked back at me and smiled slightly before disappearing into the crowd of walkers.

"KYLIE!" I screamed and ripped the gate open.

"Carl!" Megan yelled.

"Fuck off!"

I pulled out my knife and started stabbing all the walkers I could.

Bang bang bang

She's shooting the walkers. She's alive.

I just hope Lizzie is too.

"Carl! Help! Oh my god!" I hear her scream.

My eyes widened and I ran around the walkers trying to find her.

Lizzie was hiding behind a tree and Kylie was nowhere to be found.

"Where are you?!" I screamed into the crowd stabbing a shitload of walkers.

"Down.. Here" I head from behind me.

Bang bang bang

There was two dead walkers on top of her and three more just fell on her too.

"H-help" she grunted shooting more and more walkers.

I ran over to her and pushed a walker off of her.

"I can't b-breathe.." She said and dropped the gun.

I know how it feels like, this happened to me before.

With all my might I pushed off the rest of the walkers and she gasped.

I took in large gulps of air as car kept shooting the rest of the walkers.

I stood up and grabbed my gun.

"T-thank you" I said.

"Where's Lizzie?"

"Right here!" Carl pulled her out from behind the tree.

"I-I just wanted to play.." She said putting her head down.

Carl threw her over his back and we walked back to the prison.

When we got there everyone came and gathered around.

Beth shrieked and ran over to us.

"Oh my god! Why are you covered up in so much blood?!"

Carl put Lizzie down. "We went to save Lizzie from a herd of walkers. She's fine now" he sighed.

"Lizzie, you can't keep doing that. Your gonna get yourself killed" I said and bent down on one knee.

"But their my friends! You don't understand! No one does!" She cried.

"No, Lizzie. Their not, when they 'play tag with you' their just trying to eat you alive" carol added in.

"I'll show you! I'll show all of you! Their just people!" She said and ran off into the prison.

I stood up and sighed putting my head down.

"It's okay, we just gotta find a way to stop her" Carl said putting a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded and bit my lip.

"Cmon, let's go get cleaned up.. Looks like you dyed your hair red" he chuckled.

"Wow, really?" I said putting my hands on my hips.

"You look like the devil, covered in red" I laughed and he grabbed my hand and ran towards the prison.

When we entered the gate I screamed.

"Oh my god! Lizzie what did you do?!" I screamed.

Mika was on the floor covered in blood and Lizzie stood there covered in her blood.

"Don't worry, she'll come back. I promise" she smiled and sat down next to her lifeless sister.

"We have to get her out of here" I whispered to Carl, who was clearly too shocked to do anything.

He nodded and carol came in and gasped.

"Kids get out of here, lizzie, you stay here." She said pushing us up the stairs.

"I cannot believe she did that, she's nuts" I said.

He nodded and said, "where was Megan this whole time? I haven't seen her.."

"Don't know, don't care" I said walking into our cell.

He shrugged and plopped on the bed beside me.

"Are you thirsty?" I asked getting up.

"Very" he smirked.

It took me a second to figure out why he's smirking.

"Goddamnit Carl you pervert!" I said slapping him.

He laughed and adjusted the hat on his head.

"I'm kidding! But I actually am" he said.

"Okay I'll go get water." I stood up and walked downstairs.

"Where do you think your going?" The most annoying voice (except for walkers) in the whole entire world asked.

"Getting water" I said simply.

She huffed, "I just hope you die already.." She muttered.

"And why is that?" I asked making my way up the stairs again.

"Because no one likes you. Not even Carl! He likes me, not you" she exclaimed.

"Aha, okay. Well you can be his 'girlfriend' or whatever. I'm just his best friend, that's all" I glared at her.

(Like in the picture😏😂)

"Whatever! Maybe he likes you as a friend, but that will change. No one will ever like you again!" She yelled and pushed me down the stairs.

That escalated quickly.

"If you EVER go near Carl again, I will kill you" she said.

I tumbled down the stairs and hit my head on the floor before everything went pitch black.


Kylie hasn't returned for a while now. It's been like 15 minutes.

"Kylie! What's taking so long?!" I yelled into the empty dim metal hallway.

I walked down the hallway and saw the staircase has tiny little streaks and drops of blood.

"What the.." I said walking down the stairs.

"SHIT!" I screamed and tumbled down the last step and fell on my knees.

"Kylie wake up!" I said shaking her.

She had a cut on her forehead that was dripping with a small amount of blood.

"Mhmhmm" she mumbled.

"Wake up! It's me Carl, please Kylie" I say as I shook her a bit harder.

Her eyes shot open.

"Carl.. I-it's Megan.. S-she-"

"That bitch" I said helping her get up.

"I'm fine. I can just wipe the blood off. I'm okay"

I gave her a worried look before rushing up the staircase to find Megan.

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