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"Are you sure?" I ask.

He grunts and stops walking making me stop walking as well.

He pulls me closer to him, his lips centimeters from my ear.

"I-I... I saw Negan" he mutters and when I gasp, he slaps his hand over my mouth.

"Shhh.. Shhh" he whispers in my ear.

"You can't tell anyone.."

"W-why?" My voice is muffled under his hand.

"Because, when we were at the market I saw a shadow, it was Negan"
I grab some of the drinks from a broken vending machine when I hear something odd behind me.
I turn around and take out my gun, but I wasn't fast enough. I get slammed into the wall.
"I guess you found me.." A dark male voice growls in the darkness.
I glare up at the man, "what do you want Negan?..." I grunt as he puts his knife to my throat.
"Well what I want is you to join me, to take down Alexandria." He smirks.
"Wha- are you crazy?!" I whisper yell.
"Get off of me!"
"Fine, but if you tell anyone I was here, and about my plan. I'll make sure to kill everyone in your petty little group that you call family." He spits and walks out the back door.

"We have to tell Rick, Carl!" I whisper/yell.

He shakes his head in fear, "no I told you, we can't! Or he'll-"

"Carl, Kylie, cmon start walkin" Daryl motions us to hurry and we start walking again.

"He's gonna find out sooner or later.." I mutter and Carl looks around again.

We make it to Alexandria, finally.

I slump on my bed and sigh in relief.

"I should take a shower.." I mumble.

I walk over to the bathroom. I grab a towel from the cabinet and get undressed.

I put the towel on the hanger and step into the shower.

I wash all the dirt off of my hair and body.

When I get out of the shower I wrap the towel around my body.

Right as I turn around the door opens.

Carl steps in and his eyes widen, his cheeks turn bright red.

"HOLY SHIT! Carl g-get out!" I point out the door and Carl shuts the door quickly.

My cheeks turn red and I sigh, moving my wet hair out of my face.

I forgot to lock the door...

"Damnit Kylie, why do you have to turn me on like that?.,." I hear Carl mutter quietly to himself.

I slowly creak the door open and check if there's anyone in the hallway.

I slowly walk out and into my room only to be slammed into the wall.

My eyes widen and I gasp.

I look up and see Carl, he pins my hands over my head.

"Carl.. What are you doing in my room?" I ask looking up as he lets go of my arms.

He turns around and locks the door.

He puts his hat on the table, then with one swift movement, he turns around and locks lips with me.

I kiss him back and run my fingers through his hair and he grabs my towel and tears it off of me.

I grab his flannel and unbutton it.

He pushes me onto the bed and takes off his clothes.

He kisses me deeply, leaving butterfly kisses down my neck.

He runs his fingers through my hair and looks down at me.

"Are you sure you want to do this?.." He asks and I nod slightly.

He positions himself then pushes himself inside of me.

I gasp and bite my lower lip, i dig my nails into his back.

He starts going faster and faster, and slowly the pain disappears.

"Say my name, baby" he grunts.

"C-Carl!" I moan and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Louder!" He groans.

"CARL!" I pant.

"Fuck Kylie your so-.. Your so fucking beautiful" he moans and kisses my neck.

Soon enough, he gets off of me and we both lay there panting.

He kisses my cheek and moves my hair out the way.

"I love you so fucking much, Kylie." He says and I blush.

Just then, knock knock knock

I gasp and Carl slaps his hand over my mouth.

"Kylie? Are you in there?" I hear Enid's voice through the door.

"Shit.." I whisper.

"Uh, yeah! I'll be out in a minute!" I say and run towards the closet and get dressed.

Carl gets dressed as well and grabs his hat and puts it on.

I open the door and smile at Enid.

"Hey Enid, what's up?" I ask.

Carl walks out and winks before walking down the stairs.

"I wanted to know if you and Carl could come with Connor and I outside the walls."

"Who's Connor?" I ask.

"This guy that wanted to be friends with us, he's super nice and cute" she winks.

"So, you coming?" She asks.

I stay silent for a moment.

"Ok sure" I say and she smiles.

"Great! Meet you at the gates in an hour!" She says and runs down the stairs.

I close the door and sigh.

Hopefully Negan doesn't show up.

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