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I walked down the stairs and out the house to meet Enid, Connor and Carl to go over the gate.

When I got there Carl gave me a big smirk, I smiled back and Enid pulled out her knife, stabbing it into a hole in the gate.

She stepped on it and lifted herself up to the other metal rod sticking out of the wall.

Connor went after her, when Enid made it up she sat on the gate.

Carl motioned me to go up and I nod.

Connor looked down at me when he made it up and stretched his hand out for me to grab it.

I smile and grab his hand, he pulled me up and Carl climbed up after me.

We all threw our backpacks on the ground and then jumped down.

"We did it!" Enid whisper/yelled and grabbed her backpack.

Carl handed me my backpack and my gun that dropped onto the floor.

"Thank you" I smile and he nods.

"Aren't they gonna get mad at us? Or possibly worried?" Connor asks.

"No, it's my dad. He'll probably trust me, I think..." Carl shakes his head.

We start walking through the woods, I take out my knife and stab a walker on the floor.

"How about we play a game?" Enid asks.

"Sure" we say.

Enid stays silent for a moment

".....TAG!" She taps Carl and starts running.

This takes him by surprise.

Connor and I also start running.

"Damnit!" Carl yells and runs after us.

He tags Connor and He tackles me to the ground.

I laugh and he starts running again.

"Ok I give up!" Enid says falling to the floor.

We laugh and all meet up to where Enid is laying down on the ground panting.

Carl wraps his arm around my waist.

I look up at carl without him noticing, "three..." I say under my breath.

Carl looks at me, "what?" He asks.

"Two..." I say and he gives me confused look while I smirk at him.

"One!" I shout and grab his hat, running with it.

"wha- GODDAMNIT KYLIE" he yells and runs after me moments later.

"You'll never catch me alive!!" I yell and run through the leaves.

"Enid! Connor! Come here!" He says and stops running.

I stop running, I'm about 20 feet away from him.

They walk over to Carl and they begin whispering.

Then, they turn to me and smirk.

"Oh shit..." I say and start running, Enid and Connor disappearing from view.

I slow down to catch my breath. Enid and Connor jump it of the bushes.

I gasp and stumble back, startled I bump into Carl's chest.

I turn around quickly and pout, "fine" I say and put his hat back on his head and fall into the ground.

My arms spread out, I close my eyes.

"Cmon Kylie get up" Carl whines.

"Nope" I smile.

"Okay fine then." He says and grabs my arm pulling me up in a second.

My eyes shoot open and I giggle.

I look up at the sky and see it's dark.

"Cmon lets-"

Enid gets cut of when Connor shushes her.

"....Carl!... CARL!" We hear very faint screaming coming back from Alexandria.

"I think it's your dad calling you" Connor says.

"Shit.." He starts to run, all of us after him.

We climb up the wall quickly and right as we're about to jump down, we see Glenn, Maggie, rosita, Abraham, Rick, Sasha, Michonne, and Daryl aiming guns at us.

When they realized who we were the all made the same annoyed but relaxed face and put their guns away.

Carl and I jump down first.

"Carl Grimes what do you think your doing?!" Rick says as the rest go back to doing their 'chores'

"Dad I-"

"You could've got yourself KILLED!" Rick yells and Carl flinches.

"But there weren't any walke-"

"It's too dangerous out there and you know that!" He yells again.

"Your grounded Carl." He mutters and grabs Carl's hand, dragging him away.

Carl looks back at me in annoyance. "Dad I'm too old to punished" their voices fade away as they walk further.

Is he mad at me?

I frown slightly then my eyes widen.

"Damnit.. I forgot my bag on the other side of the wall.." I mutter.

I jump down to the other side and grab my back, swinging it over my shoulder.

I face the wall and look up at the sky.

As I'm about to take a step up the wall, something grabs my shoulder and pulls me back harshly.

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