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"Did he do anything to you?.." He asked.

"N-nothing real bad.." I mutter.

"What did he do?.." He asks me, grabbing me by my shoulders.

"They kept throwing me on the ground..." I say and he shakes his head.

"We gotta go with Rick tomorrow!" I say and Carl nods.

"I am, but your not" Carl says and I step back.

"What? I'm coming with you weather you like it or not-"

"Kylie listen!" He stops me in mid-sentence.

"It's too dangerous out there... The saviors.. There's just too many of them!"


"We'll talk about this tomorrow.." He says barely audible and walks into his room.

I walk out of rick's house in annoyance and slam the door shut behind me.

In the morning, I find Carl in the weapons room with Enid.

"Your letting me go!" Enid yells and Carl groans.

"No I'm not!" He says, while loading his gun.

She seems taken back, "you want them to come, don't you?.."

Carl sighs and looks down. "Fine, there's pistols in the closet, but hurry. We don't have time"

I tilt my head to the side, why is he letting her go but not me?...

Enid goes in the closet in search for the pistols.

Carl then runs over to the closet and shuts it, locking it and putting a chair under the handle.

"Carl? Carl!" Enid yells from the closest.

"I'm sorry, Enid" he mumbles.

"What happens if you don't come back?... How am I suppose to live like that?" She asks.

Carl stays silent for a moment.

"Then... Just survive somehow.." He mutters and leaves the room.

"Carl..." I say and he turns around to look at me.

"I'm going with you... Rick said I could-"

"Kylie-" Carl starts.

"If something happens and I wouldn't be able to see you again... I-I don't know what I'll do! Please... Let me go.."

Carl stares at me, he grabs me and crashes his lips onto mine.

I kiss him back until we pull away, "I don't want you to come.. I want you to be safe.."

"Negan didn't hurt me when we met, well... Didn't hurt me badly but-"

"Ok fine... Only if you stay next to me at all times." He says and holds my hand.

He grabs a gun and hands it to me.

"Here" I look up at him and grab the gun, putting it in my holster.

I turn around to leave the room.

"Kylie wait." He says and I stop and turn around.

"I-i wanted to give you this.." He says and hands me the necklace he gave me when the walkers invaded Alexandria.

I look up at him. "Carl I-"

"Please take it." He closes his eyes and sighs.

I take it and kiss his cheek, making him blush, and left the room.

I sit in the RV, carving a small heart with my knife into the handle of the gun.

Carl gets up and sits next to me, he looks down at my lap where the gun is and tilts his head.

"I have an idea.." He says and I give him the gun.

He carves something on it, he gives me back the gun and I C+K on the gun.

I smile to myself and kiss Carl on the cheek but he turns his head so our lips meet.

"I knew that was coming.." He smirks.

I laugh and look down.

"RICK!" I hear Abraham yell from the front.

We both shoot our gazes to Abraham and rick walks over to him.

"What is it?..." He asks.

Abraham points to the road.

"They're here"

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