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I wake up and rub my eyes.

I yawn and put my shirt on.

Something catches my eye, I turn and look towards the window and see Kylie.

"What the hell is she doing?.." I mumble to myself.

She's climbing the gate..

I tilt my head to the side and open the window.

She jumps to the other side and my eyes widen.

She can't go alone...

I put my hat on my head and walk out of the house.

I climb over the gate and look around.

"Where did she go?.." I mumble to myself.

I hear twigs cracking from the left and I jump down.

I see her from a distance and slowly walk in her direction.

What on this dead earth is she doing?..

I hold on to the straps of my backpack and sigh.

I kick the dirt and keep walking until I hear twigs cracking behind me.

I swiftly turn around and unsling my M16.

I wait a couple seconds and sling the gun over my shoulder and sigh.

I turn around and start walking again.

"You know your not suppose to be here, right?" I hear someone from behind me.

I spin around and was about to grab my gun but got pushed against a tree.

I look up and see Carl's icy blue eyes.

I sigh and relief and wiggle out of his grip.

"Why are you here?" He asks.

I shrug, "can't I just go on a walk?"

"No, you can't. It's too dangerous-"

"Carl I can take care of myself-"

"No, you have to stay inside-"

"No! I don't want to!" I yell and Carl huffs and grabs my wrist, dragging me.

"Carl! Let me go!" I yell and pull back my wrist and start running.

"Kylie!" Carl screams and runs after me.

I run and turn to the right and immediately freeze.

My eyes widen as I look at the camp fire, saviors all around it.

Carl grabs me by my waist from behind and drags my back, his hand on my mouth.

We go behind a tree, Carl removes his hands from my mouth.

"Did you hear that?" One of the saviors ask.

"No." The others say.

I look and see the savior getting up, walking our way.

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