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I scream but a hand covers my mouth.

"Shh, shh, we don't want Rick to hear you now, do we?" I hear a dark voice whisper in my ear.

My eyes widen and I squirm around.

"Stop moving.." He grabs me tighter and puts a knife to my throat.

I whimper and look up at him.

Is that?...

Then I hear faint whistling.

The man starts chuckling. "I'd like you to meet my boss.." He says and throws me on the ground.

I breathe heavily and get up to my knees.

Before I can stand up, someone grabs my chin and lifts my head up.

I'm forced to look at him.

My eyes widen in fear and my breathing gets heavier as I breathe from my nose.

He stops whistling and smiles.

His black leather jacket matching the night sky, he stood there chuckling.

"Hello little girl"

"I'm not a little girl.." I spit.

"Would you like to tell me where the leader of your City is?" He asked.

I stay silent.

He grabs me by my hair and pulls me closer to his face, making me hiss.

"Are you going to tell me?..." He looks like he's losing his patience.

"I'm not doing shit for you, Negan." I say glaring up at him.

"Have it your way, kid" he slaps my face and throws me on the ground again.

A cut on my cheek starts bleeding.

Two saviors grab my arms and pull me up.

"Please, just let me go.." I say looking down.

He stays silent.

He looks at me and scratches his beard. "Let her go.." He says and the saviors push me down again.

"Listen." He says grabbing me by my shirt, my feet off the ground.

"Tell your leader, Rick, that I said hello. And to meet me on 17th street tomorrow, or I'll blow up your beloved home and everyone in it" he says and throws me so my back hits the wall.

I kinda just stand there in shock..

"Go before I change my mind about letting you leave!" He growls and I quickly climb up the wall.

I sit on my bed and stare at the wall.

"Fucking-.. Argh!" I say throwing a comic book onto the floor.

Then I hear the front door slam open.

"RICK! CARL?!" I hear Kylie's voice, she sounds terrified.

I bolt to the door but it's locked.

"KYLIE IM IN HERE!" I yell and then hear her running before the door flies open.

"N-n-Negan. He... He.." Kylie started breathing heavily.

"What's all this noise down here?!" I hear my dad coming down the stairs.

Kylie turns to him and takes a deep breath.

"I jumped over the wall again to get my backpack and Negan grabbed me and told me to tell him where you are and I didn't say anything so he slapped me and threw me and he told me that if I see you to tell you to meet him at 17th avenue of he'll blow up Alexandria." She says quickly and takes a deep breath again.

Dad stands there for a moment to prices what she just said.

The he kids of jerked forward and looked at her in disbelief.

"....we'll go tomorrow morning" my dad states and walks upstairs slowly.

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