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(Listen to the song of you want this chapter to be more emotional lol)

I say on the couch and held sleeping Judith in my arms.

I don't want to cause trouble for anyone. So if Megan wants him, she can have him.

"Kylie, I need to talk to you" I hear Maggie say.

I look up and slightly nod. I put Judith in her little ass kicker crib and sat down next to him.

"I've heard about everything. Are you okay?" She asked putting her hand on my shoulder.

I nod, looking at the ground.

"So tell me why she did this." Maggie said.

I took a deep breath.

"Ever since Megan came I felt a little uneasy.. Like I didn't trust her. And I was right. She's jealous, jealous of me and Carl."

"Wait, you guys aren't.."

I shake my head.

"No, we're not. We're just really good friends. But she somehow thinks we're a couple, even though Carl likes me-"

"And do you like him back?" She asks.

"Well.. Yeah.. No.. I don't even know anymore." I say hanging my head low.

"Besides, it's not about liking each other or dating or anything.. It's about surviving, and staying alive" I say.

"Your wrong." Maggie begins.

"Glenn and I, we're married. And we still survive." Maggie states.

[Omg Glenn feels :( even though he's not dead..]

[ UPDATE: I know he died. I wrote this BEFORE he actually got Lucilled.. fuck my life]

"Your right I guess.." I said and got up.

"But I don't want to cause anymore trouble for you guys, Megan can have him. I don't care anymore." I said and ran up the stairs.

I ran for Carl and i's cell when I bumped into someone and fell on the floor.

"Ouch, sorry.." I said looking up at.. Carl.


His face expression went from mad to worried.

He pulled me up from the ground.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah.. I'm fine." Until I saw Megan come out of his cell.

"Um. I-I got to go.." I said and turned around.

Before I could run Carl grabbed my wrist and spun me around.

"If you wee heading this way, then why are you going back?" He asked.

"Because... Um.." I say biting my lip.

He grabbed my other wrist and pulled me closer roughly.

Our faces were inches apart.

"It's because of Megan isn't it?" He whispered.

I stare up to his crystal blue eyes and nod.

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