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This thing next to me is not my type. I had met grown people that have better pick up lines than that. I mean like do I really look like a slut to him?! If I do, I'm a be a real mean one if he keep fucking with me. I already yelled at someone and it's not even 12:00 yet.

When, the bell rang I got up. When I turned around I came face to face with.... since I don't know his name I'm a call him jerk face. Jerk face sat here and looked at me with one of those you in know I'm hot, right face. I rolled my eyes and looked at him.

" Don't act like that." he said. I rolled my eyes again.

"Your kinda in my way and I have to get to class so if you don't move I'm going to be late" I said. When I moved left he moved left. When I move right he moved right. I let out a huff and stood in front of him. He smirked as thinking he won. You gotta another thing coming.

" So how about I take you out and we get to know each other a little more? And each other bodies?" he said linking his lips in a unhot matter. I scoffed.

"Oh. I see what you are. You're one of those boys who are players and think they are one of those bad people. And you hang with the Bad boys and every teacher and boy in this school is afraid of you, every girl drops to their feet thinking they can change you but in reality your just a pathetic excuse for a human being? Am I right?" I ask smirking. He stands their. Shocked. Of course I am.

The tardy bell rings signaling I'm late for class. It's the first. Surely won't be the last. I brush past him and head down the hallway. I look at my schedule to see that I am now taking Spanish. Now, why in the fuck am I taking Spanish if I already speak it?! This is complicating.

When I walk into class, everyone stops what their doing and looks at me. I hear whispers whistles and shit like that but I ignore it. I sat down at the back table that was empty.

" Your late? Why? " the teacher asked. I was already mad because I'm late and she just had to add fume to the fire to make it worse.

" Because I am. Why are you teaching? " I asked. The teacher gasped.

" Because I am a teacher, I'm a let that off with a warning. But if you come in with that prissy attitude tomorrow you will have two hours of detention. Understood?" she said

" Sí maestro" I said.

" Please call me Mrs. Davis" she said. I smiled a fake smile and looked around. Everyone had turned around instead of looking at me which is great.

Mrs. Davis went on teaching about the direct kind of Spanish and how it could benefit us. I sighed and laid my head down.

What felt like 2 minutes later but was thirty minutes, I felt someone to me on my shoulder. I looked up to see a girl with red hair look at me. I glared at her.

"umm.. Hi. Umm y-your going to be late. Sorry I woke you" she said. I looked at her to see a flawless face with wide green eyes. Hey, what can I say? I like scaring people.

I nodded and stretched. I got up and began to walk. Now it was lunch. I walked in the lunch room and looked at the Lunches. It was some kind of meat with some kind of sauce. I scrunched my nose up with disgust. Disgusting.

I walked to the back of the school to see the same red headed girl sitting out here by her self. I walked and joined her.

" What are you doing out here by yourself?" I asked seeing her jump. Like 10 minutes ago she had a flawless face. Now I see a girl with a handprint on the side of her face.

" What happened to the side of your face" I asked. So I like seeing people in pain or scared but only if I cause them to be that way. I stood there, tapping my foot. She played with the hem of her shirt not looking at me. I cleared my throat looking at her.

" My boyfriend, Bryant Daniels, got mad at me because he thought I was cheating on him with Diego and when I went to tell him that I didn't he hit me and left me out here" she said beginning to cry. I didn't know what to do. I stepped closer and rubbed her back.

" Okay how about this I'll take you to get some lunch, we'll go to my house and I'll fix that up for you, okay?" I said. She nodded and I walked her to my car. I will never be this nice ever again. To anyone for that matter.

Diego P. O. V

No one in my life has EVER spoken to me that way. Not my dad. Not my step mother. NO ONE. So imagined how I felt when this bitch told me this bulk shit. I was mad. I was angered. And a little turned on by her feistyness. But just a little. But I was so mad.

So as I sat here at the back of the school smoking a cigarette, I feel my anger began to boil thinking about it. She gets on my nerves and she just got here.

" We figured you were back here" I heard Sebastian say. I look up to see Marcus, Sebastian, and Carlos. They came and sat down next to me. They all started smoking except for Marcus who was drinking liquor.

"What's going on with you and that Fernando girl" Marcus asked. I shrugged.

" When the bell rang and everyone was gone I was playing around with the girl. She catches an attitude taking about ' your the type of boy that's a player' ' and that and this'. I was standing there shocked that this bitch actually said that to me." I said rolling up a blunt. They all patted my back and said it will be okay. I pushed them back and laughed. I finished rolling the blunt and lit it.

" How about we make a bet?" I said turning to them and passing the blunt. They nodded as if telling me to go on.

" Okay, how about I have until Christmas to have sex with the new girl with no attachments. No love. No feeling. Nothing." I said. They all looked at each other and I looked at them.

" And if we win?" Carlos asked.

" I'll give all of you one of my cars and free weed whenever you want it." I said. They nodded and we shook hands.

" It's a deal then." I said.

There is no way in hell I'm giving these boys my cars and free weed I have to pay for. So princessa, you might as well get ready. Cause when I make a bet, I don't tend to lose.

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