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Lucia P.O.V.

Since my argument with Brittany, I've been searching everywhere for Carlos. Everything else I'll deal with later. I've went to his home and asked for him. Apparently he hasn't been home since yesterday.

I've checked at Sebastian's and he wasn't there either. I'm not going to go all around the world looking for him. Where ever he is please don't nobody kill him. I want to be the one to do it.

I started giving up until I sat at home and got a call from Diego.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey babe. Where are you now?" He asked.

"Home why?" I said. The other line was silent and I waited.

"Um. Hello?" I said.

"Yeah I'm back. But I need you to come to my house."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. God, why does things always happen to me.

"What's going on?" I said and when I heard about crash and yelling. I instantly jumped up and ran to the door. Not without slipping my shoes on first.

"I'll be there in ten." I said and hung up. I sped my way to Diego's house coming up with alot of traffic pushing me twenty minutes behind.

When I made it there, I got out of my car and ran to the house. I bust in the house and made my way to the living room.

Brittany was the first face I saw when I got there. She was rocking in a corner crying. I then saw Carlos standing there with a sheet wrapped around him and a girl hiding behind him.

Honesty stood next to Sebastian her chest going up and down in anger. My eyes landed on Diego who came closer to me.

"I got called here for this?!" I yelled. Brittany flinched.

"Well you are looking for Carlos for some random reason and now he's here." Diego said.

"I thought it was some fucking emergency. I heard yelling and glass breaking. " I said. Honesty then spoke up.

"Yeah. Brittany shattered the vase to get us all to shut up. The yelling was coming from me. I was yelling at Carlos" She said slowly.

"I can explain-" Carlos starts but I cut him off.

"Oh shut up. Will you? You got caught fucking some slut. What is there to explain?" I said. Brittany then stood up and looked around the room

"I thought you guys were my friends." She said.

"Of course we are." Honesty stated. Brittany shook her head and laughed.

"Yeah right."

"Brittany, we are all your friends in here. Besides Carlos minding the fact that he cheated." I said. She then looked at Carlos.

"You hurt me." She said walking towards him.

"Baby, I would never hurt you." He said.

"I LOVED YOU. I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING. LOVE, PEACE HAPPINESS. BUT I GUESS THAT WASN'T ENOUGH HUH?! AFTER THE FACT THAT I SAW THE MESSAGES OF YOU AND SOME SLUT, I STILL PUT HOPE IN US." She yelled. The whole house was silent. The only thing you can hear are Brittany's silent breathing.

"Brittany please. I love you baby." He said trying to come closer. She backed away.

"I don't love you. Not anymore. Not like I used to. Until the day you die, I hope you never talk to me again. You are a cheating whore who will never stop cheating. I hope you and your brunette be happy together." She said and walked out.

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