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We all followed her outside where che closed the door. She turned around and I saw an emotion pass through her eyes when she looked at me. Sadness? Guilt? It can't be guilt. What does she have to be guilty for.

" Ok. Everyone please take a seat. " She told us. I sat down next to Brittany and Lucía sat next to me. She looked far off somewhere looking at something or thinking about something. I tapped her shoulder making her look at me.

" Are you OK?"

She nodded. " Yeah I just have to tell you all something. But you have to promise not to say anything about it to any one. " She said loudly making everyone stop there chatter. We all promised and we waited.

She was silent like she was pondering bringing us out here.

" Lucia. You don't have to tell them if you don't want to. " he mom said.

" Barbara Elizabeth Lucénta Fernandez was her name." She said quietly. I have never heard her speak so lowly before.

" Lucia Marcy Grangés Fernandez is mine. Two polar opposites we were. I was never like who I am now. I was more of the quiet nerd type. I made straight A's. I read books instead of going to party's. I was every parents dream. Barbara or Elizabeth everyone called her because she didn't like her middle name, was very outgoing and loud. She wore a lot of black and while I loved mynatural black hair Elizabeth would alway were different shades of colors in her hair.

So one day, I asked her if she can go to a party with her. So, that night Elizabeth decided to sneak out since she was in trouble for fighting in school. So I went all out and did the same. At the party, there was all types of drinks I tried that night. My first time drinking.

But we didn't know that we were in trouble. The party was crashed by the cops and everyone took off running in all directions. Left and right people left. We decided to take the car we came in. Momma had already called and said she wanted me home. I wasn't drunk but tipsy. I knew we were in deep shit.

But Elizabeth was the opposite of drunk. Hey, she wasn't even drunk. She was wasted. And didn't care either. She just wanted to get me home on time.

We were driving down the road when a car came out of no where and hit us. Glass went everywhere as I tried to look for her, Elizabeth. I climbed out the car and crawled to her. It was a lot of damage but still I crawled to my sister.

I asked of if she was alright. She told me yes but I knew better then to think that. I told her to hold on but she said she couldn't. It wa so much blood and it was flowing so fast I didn't know what to do. Then she told me that whatever I do don't be like her. She wanted me to keep making straight A's and do whatever I can to pass. She wanted me to graduate High school. The last word I heard from her was I love you Luc. But she was gone. " I looked at her and I saw her crying. She wiped her tears away.

" My parents buried them selves in work. They ignored me everyday. It wasn't even a good morning sweetheart when I came downstairs or a how was your day honey because they mourned over Elizabeth. It was everyday I had to live with the guilt. I had to wake up in the hospital to know if I didn't go to that party she would be here today and I wouldn't be here. But no, those things I called parents eye running my life and adding more guilt. So I became bad. I would skip school. Got to late night parties. Sleep around. I had a boyfriend at one point.

Yeah. He was a bad person. The only time momma and poppa ever paid attention to me was when I got locked up for having Marijuana in my car. They made me break up with the only guy who ever paid me any attention and who ever loved me beside Elizabeth. It's because of them I'm the way I am now." She finishes standing up and printing at them. I was behind her just in case she tried anything.

" We do love you. It was just a very hard loss. " Her dad said. She scoffed.

" You didn't even show her any attention. If you did she would be here today and we wouldn't be in this situation. " She yelled.

" If it wasn't for your careless mistake she would be here today. Now wouldn't she?" Her mom yelled. Lucia looked at her mom and I saw tears.

" I'm careless now? Thanks add more to my plate. Well if you weren't the careless bitch you are you wouldn't have had me now would you."

" Ok. Lucia, I know your mad but you need to calm down. " I said stepping in front of her. She nodded and looked at her parents.

" I want you gone and home. Matter of fact I don't care where you go. I just want you gone. I don't even care if it's hell. Just go. Your ruined my birthday. " Lucia said sharply.

" Ok. If that's what you want so be it. But before I go I want to give you this. I love you and happy 18th. " her mom said putting it on the Chair. She walked away but not before kissing Lucia's cheek and leaving.

Lucia walked to the chair and picked up the wrapped gift. She unwrapped and started shaking. Then she stilled and passed out. I caught her and looked at the present.

It was a photo frame.

It was her sister and her playing at the beach. On the back it said

" Dear Lucia,

I remember this day. I hope you do too. Great memories deserve to be remembered. I will always and forever love you Luc.

Sincerely, Elizabeth. "

I looked at her face and carried her into the house. Everyone was gone and the place was clean. The presents stays on the table and the cake was there too. I sighed and carried her to her room. I placed the frame in her bed and looked at my watch.

12:32 a. m.

I kicked off my jeans and took of my shirt. I stared at her and I smiled. I turned off the light. I pulled Lucia to me and she snuggled closer. I kissed the top of her head.

" Good night. " I whispered


I woke up and saw Lucia thrashing in her sleep covered in sweat. She was mumbling and screaming and I climbed on top of her.

" Lucia. Hey babe. It's me Diego. It's OK. I got you. " I said. She stopped thrashing and held her. Then she began to cry. I sat up and cradled her on my lap.

" It's OK. " I whisper. She sniffles and I looked at her. I wiped he remains tears and looked at my watch. It was half past twelve.

" Let's drive to my house and get me some clothes and some lunch. Sounds good?" She nodded and crawled off my lap. I watched her walke to her closet and pull out a white tee shirt and dark blue jeans. She threw then on the bed and went into the bathroom without another word.

My mind started rolling.

What if I did fall in love with Lucia?

Will she love me?

What if I did and she just pretended she did?

Why am I thinking these things?

I laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I started singing any song that came to mind.

" Wow. Nice pipes you got there, Davis. " Lucia said standing there in a red bra and matching underwear. I smiled.

" Thanks. Can you put some clothes on that's tempting. " I say. She looked at her current attire and smirked.

" Does it look good with my belly button ring? " she asked.

" Just please put some clothes on so we can go. " I told her as I put some jeans on. When I urged around she's fully dressed and ready to go.

" You ready? " she asked. I took my key and nodded.

" Yep. "

And we were gone.

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