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I sat in the principals office looking at Linda and Johnathan who sat across me. I looked at Diego who sat beside me and he put on a smile. I glared at him and the smile was instantly gone.

Honesty and Brittany sat beside their boyfriends who happened to be in here for the same reason we all are.

The secretary, Sandy, came in and said that the principal would like to speak to all of us now. I walked in first, taking the seat right across from from her. Linda took the one right of me, leaving Diego and the rest to stand up. Mrs. Lee looked at all of us with anger.

" Would someone like to explain why your in my office?" She said in a sharp tone.

Before anyone can answer, I spoke up.

" Well.... "


I had just go in school. I was a couple minutes early. I decided to go to my locker early and get out everything I need for classes.

By the time I had gotten out all of my books, everyone was filling in the hallway. I still haven't seen Diego nor the rest. So I began to go to class early.

When I passed by Linda, instead of my walking it was me falling and my books were scattered throughout the hallway.

People that walked passed pointed and laughed and I hate to be embarrassed. So when I stood up, I knew who had tripped me.

When I turned and looked at her, she was laughing. I wasn't gonna get mad. That's what I told myself.

" What's your problem? " I asked her. She stopped laughing a flipped her hair.

" Your my problem. " She said pointing at me.

" And how is that when I've done nothing wrong?" I asked her confused.

" You've done nothing wrong? That's complete and utter bullshit. First you slept with my boyfriend. " She said pointing my chest with her fingernail.

" Second you took my boyfriend. " She said still pointing me with her finger. I was starting to get irritated and by then we had a crowd forming.

" Wait this is all over Diego? " I asked.

" Of course. You didn't think I was talking about Carlos or Sebastian or Marcus. I've been with then all. Diego was just better. " She said. I glared at her. She was really about to catch a glimpse of my bad side.

" You know? The last time I checked, Diego hasn't been with you in about a month or so. And I know. He's good in bed." Just don't know about the others.

" Oh honey. You are right. Claps for you. But let me tell you something. I was just with him after your poor grandma died. Sorry for your loss and how sorry she was. I would've thought she would be died of a overdose of pills or alcohol. " She said.

" How do you know about her history?" I whispered.

" Come again? I couldn't hear you she said. She cupped her ear and moved closer to me.

" How do you know about her history?" I shouted. The crowd started to whisper I saw what they were whispering at.

Diego was making his way down the crowd and so was the rest. I was beyond pissed.

One because she was talking about my grandma and two because she was talking about my boyfriend. I'm protective over what's mine and what belongs to me.

" Oh please. You act like your grandmother was the best. Oh she's a good nurse. Oh. She'll take good care. Yeah right. Your grandmother took drugs after her husband died 3 years ago. Then she switched to alcohol. My mother was the one to take care of Brittany while your grandmother was at the bar getting drunk. " She shouted so everyone can hear. Everyone gasped. I was breathing hard and trying not to slap her.

" We all know that your mom was a prostitute. " She added. Then I jumped on her. I pushed her on the ground and go onto her and started to beat her in her face. Her nails were digging into my face and I'm pretty sure they were leaving marks.

While beating her in the face she managed to get some of my hair and pulled me off of her. She ended up on me and I was below her. She began to beat me while pulling my hair. Her extensions were coming out and it made me glad. She got a loose grip and I began to beat her brutally.

I was on top again and we were still fighting. Then someone pulled me off and I looked and saw Johnathan.

" Get your hands off her. "Diego screamed. I smiled and felt as Johnathan dropped me and ran towards Diego. Sebastian and Carlos showed up. He tackled him and they began to fight. Two fights in under thirty minutes is something I would've loved to see.

Then Linda charged at me but I got out of the way in time and she hit her head on the locker. Then I began to fight her and then the principal came.

Back In The Office

As I finished the story, the principal was looking at all of us.

" Linda.... Linda.... Linda. Why must you always cause a fight with the new people? "

" Well as you can see, she took my boyfriend,"

" Someone who didn't belong to her, might I add. " I pointed out. She glared at me.

" Diego, it seems you have girls fighting over you every year. But might I ask you a question?"

" Yes." He said.

"Do you really settle down with Lucia?"

" Yes. I like her. Really like her. " He said looking at me.

" Well, I have to suspend you four for about three days. " she said. I smiled and looked at Diego.

" And you will miss prom." Hold on what? My smile faltered and I was now pissed.

" Senior prom is like the best time of your senior year besides graduation. " I say to her. She looked at me over her glasses.

"Your point being?"

" My point is that you can't take prom away from me. " I say.
She looked at Linda who gave her a pleading look.

" Fine sure. But there days of suspension." She said and I loved it already.

" Thank you so much. " I say.

"Whatever now get out of my office. " She said.

We all dispersed out of her office and into the parking let the suspension days begin.

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