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This whole chapter is in Lucia point of view and the next chapter is in Diego's point of view.


Waking up on someone's chest that you still kinda hate is a bad way to start off your birthday. I woke up on Diego. Which is crazy as hell because I remember sleeping next to him. I pushed myself off of him and fell on the carpet making a soft thud come from the impact with my ass and the floor. I quietly tip toed to the bathroom and took a shower. I came out and looked at him

" Can you pleae tell me why I was on you?" I asked d putting on underwear and a bra over my towel

" Yeah I don't even remember how I got here. I remember fucking some girl. But after that somethings are blurry. So don't asked me. " He says.

" Well, you were stupid drunk and your friends left you so you hauled a cab and got to my house. You almost fell so I helped you a brought you here. Then you said how sorry you were and I forgave you. " I said. I looked at the time and saw it was half past eleven .

I heard a phone go off and Diego picked it up. He looked through the messages and saw that it was from someone who had to be very important.

" Do you have any clothes that are mine I can borrow until I get to my house?" he asked getting up. I walk into the bathroom and get the clothes he let me borrow off the toilet. I threw them at him and he put them on. I got out white pants and a blue shirt with blue flats. I put that on in time for Diego to come out the bathroom.

I brushed my hair and put a headband on making my curls look like curls instead of Knott balls. I looked at Diego.

" How do I look? "

" You look.... Amazing. But my mom needs me to help her... Paint her car. Yeah to paint her car and if I don't be there in time she will have my neck. But thanks for keeping me while I was drunk off my ass. " he said. I offered him a smile and he ran out the door.


" I forgot my shoes. " he he said coming in for his shoes. I laughed and he ran off. OK so texted Honesty and Brittany. I told them to come pick me up for my birthday so we can go shopping. I heard a door open and close. I ran downstairs to see abuela.

" Abuela! " I yelled jumping on her.

" Hola Bebé. Happy Birthday. " she said smiling.

" Is momma and poppa coming for my birthday?" I asked hoping they would come so they can celebrate my 18th. She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes.

" So they aren't huh? "

She shook her head." I'm afraid not. Poppa had an very important meeting out of state and Momma was in a conference."

" They do this every year. I had to spend my birthday by myself because all they did was very themselves in their work. Ever since Barbara died-" I said but stopped my self. I looked at my abuela who was looking at me with a warning look.

I looked out the window and saw Honesty car pull up. I grabbed my phone. My hand touched the knob and I looked at abuela. I turned around.

" Tell momma that it's not nice to have their mom's remind them it's their girls 18th birthday. " I say and walking out. I got in the car.

" You OK girl?" Brittany asked. I looked at them a put on the best smile I could've mustered.

" Yes I am. I'm turning 18. Let's go to the mall and turn up." I say. We blast the radio and I hear Justin Bieber on it. I roll my eyes and wasabout to turn when my hand was smacked.

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