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Lucia P. O. V

"Try this one on. It's green but I think you'll rock it." Honesty said as we sat in The Prom Boutique trying on dresses. I groaned when I looked at the Christmas green dress.

"No. This is a pretty color don't get me wrong but it's not me." I said handing the dress back to Honesty. She frowned and put a hand on her hip.

"So what is you? Black?" She said. My eyes lit up and I smiled.

"Yes." I said. She rolled her eyes at me before taking a handful of dresses and taking them into the dressing room.

"Be out in a bit but until then I need you to find a dress. I want you to have at least 3 dresses by the time I'm done trying on the first dress." She stated.

"Yes mother." I said. I got up and walked around the store. I saw a section of designer dresses. One stood out the most. It was a slim dress. Made out of pure silk. It had spaghetti straps and a slit that to me would've stopped mid thigh.

Diamonds covered the top part going down into a up side down V. I grabbed the dress but not before the dress was snatched from my hand.

"Oh look what the cat drug in." A screechy voice said. I sighed and forced a fake smile upon my lips.

"Well hello to you too Linda." I said. I looked at her and seen a haggard looking Carlos. He looks like a caveman.

"What are you doing here? Immigrants don't belong here. This is for people who can afford these dresses." She said. I gritted my teeth together.

"Actually," I said while snatching the dress from her. "I can afford this dress. We know you can afford it, knowing how many times you sell your body everyday." I said putting the dress on my arm. Carlos snickered and Linda shot him a glance.

"You'll regret the day you ever crossed me, immigrant." She said sharply.

"Oh. I'm shaking. And you can keep this dress. Mind your face right now. Red is definitely your color." I said sarcastically. I gave her the dress and she stomped away.

I laughed but stopped when Carlos looked at me. I gave him a hug and he instantly hugged me back.

"You need to get your mind together. Before Brittany comes back. This isn't you. This was never you." I said while pulling away. He nodded amd walked away. I sighed and walked back to the dressing room.

"How about this dress?" Honesty yelled.

"Let me see." I said. She came out in a beautiful navy blue dress. It was like the red one. But instead it didn't have diamonds it was just a plain dress. It was one strapped and she looked good.

"It's beautiful." I said.

"For real. Wait...where's your dresses?"

"I ran into Linda and Carlos and she took the dress I really wanted." I said. She frowned and sat next to me.

"How's Carlos?" She asked while sliding on heels. I signed and leaned back against the chair.

"He looked.... Cave man like. Haggard and lost without Brittany." I said. My thought went to Brittany. It's been a while month. She still hasn't text called or even sent a letter. Maybe a postcard. I miss her. It made a promise and I want to keep it. But without Brittany here it's kinda hard to keep that.

"She'll come back. I know she will." She said hugging me. I hugged her back tightly.

"OK. Let's me get out of this dress and see if we can find you a dress." She said while walking into the dressing room.

I sighed and decided to look around myself again. I walked around and saw that new dresses were being stocked.

I walked to the clerk. "What's with the new stock coming in." I asked. She brightened up and looked at me.

"Well since the Princess of England decided to make some of our old dresses to new ones. It's our princess collection. Will you like to see?" She offered me. I smiled and nodded. She led me to the back and shut the door. She then walked me to large double doors and squealed at me.

"You'll be the first to see our collection before anyone else." She said. She opened the door and switched on the lights. I gaped at all the dresses.

"She named them after her ancestors who have believe it or not this century names. Anyway this is our Isabella collection. A white and pure look like winter and diamonds that shine like the sun during summer." She said. I looked at all the dresses and felt the need to touch them all. The satin was a wonderful feel under my hand.

"This is our Fiona collection. I don't know what the Princess we thinking but she went with green. AL different types." She said.

"Shrek maybe?" I joked. The clerk laughed at my joke.

"Well what do you think?

"Greens not my color." I said for the second time today.

"OK. Well this is the latest and final collection. It's the Honesty collection." she said making me eyes go wide.

"Its the what?" I asked.

"The Honesty collection. It's truthful, bold and well honest." She said. I walked towards the dress and roamed over the different colors and sizes.

Me eyes landed on another red dress. This one is beautiful, more beautiful than the dress I gave to Linda. With no straps, the red dress fitted at tip, with its diamonds placed randomly around the dress. The bottom part flowed and came out ruffled.

The back is out making me feel even better about the dress. I checked the size and made sure it can fit me. Just my luck. It fits.

"This is the one. It's even better than the dress Linda got." I said. Her eyebrow quirked up in realization.

"I understand. Those Pope's can be something else."

"You know the Pope family?" I asked.

"Yes. I've worked at this store for about 3 years. The Pope girls are exactly one year apart. You have Margaret, Jessie, Linda and Macy. If you think Linda is mean and demanding then you'll have to meet Margaret and Jessie." She said. I smiled and laughed at her. This lady was pretty cool.

"Well this is the one. How much?" I asked going through my pocketbook ready to pay whatever the cost for the beautiful dress. I felt a hand on mine and I stopped going through my purse.

"It's free. You a good girl. I can see it. You deserve this dress." she said handing me heels to go with it.

" Can you put it in plastic please so it's not seen? I want it to be a surprise." I asked nicely. She wrapped it in plastic and sent me on my way so she can tend to other costumers. I smiled and walked out the door.

I saw Honesty looking wildly around like a mom looking for her lost child. I sped walked to her.

"Hey girl." I said. She turned around and hugged me.

" I thought I lost you. I thought you left me. I thought someone took you. I-" I put my hand over her mouth cutting her off.

"The key word is you thought. Here I am right now. In front of you. Flesh blood and all. " I said laughing. She eyed me then the dress and she smiled.

"You got a dress?" She asked. I hugged the plastic to my chest and smiled.


"Can I see it?" She asked.

"Yeah. "

" Really?"

"Not its a surprise." I said walking away.

"You get on my nerves." She mumbled behind me.

"But you love me. "

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