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After leaving the gym that day I was feeling stress free. I had planned on to stay there until it closed. Let's just say that a couple of girls and their " boyfriends" were walking past and when I was stretching they happened to look at my ass and started to stare. Whatever the girls were doing they happened to turn around and caught them staring at my ass. What ticked me off was the fact that they went and said some mean shit about me. They were saying things like " Look at the slut in town. She's practically trying to seduce our boyfriends by wearing those shorts." I turned around so fast I could've caught a whiplash. I glared at the two girls to try to figure out who said the comment but couldn't tell who it was. So I confronted them. The blonde told on the brunette and said that she was the one who said the comment and she didn't want any trouble. So she scurried away.
That left me and the blonde.

I may had or may had not punched the other girl in the face multiple times which cause some comotion which cause me to get kicked out. Diego was angry. But I didn't care. Some people should watch what they say to others. So Diego tossed me out and I was banned. Wasn't the first time banned from the place.

It is now Monday morning and I don't feel like getting up. Daniel cane by and of course we had sex. He always knew how I liked it. But anyway my bones were aching and my stomach hurts. I was going to school and I was going there hurt or not. I rolled out of bed and went into the Bathroom.

I looked horrid. My once natural curly hair was now a tangled mess. My eyes had bags under them. I looked like a hobo. I turned on the shower and made it hot. I stripped and got in.

I washed my body and felt so relax. After 30 minutes I stepped out and walked to my closet. Since it was 7:45 I was going to be late anyway. I put on some black underwear with a red bra. So I started to pick out my clothes. I went with a black and red half shirt and some black high waisted shorts. I put on my black timberland boots. I'm matching all over. I combed my hair out and put a black bandana on my head. I put on black lip stick and made my way out the door.

But before I could reach the door I heard grandma in the kitchen. Damn.

" Por qué no estás en la escuela ya Lucía? " asked my abuela. I turned around and walked into the kitchen.

" Me desperté tarde otra vez lo siento, pero yo estoy en mi camino en este momento lo prometo" I said with a pleading look. She waved her hand and I thanked the heavens. I walked to my car and left immediately. I took my time picking up a coffee for me and some for Honesty and Brittany.

I walked into school and it was 8:20. I walked to my class but not before I heard a scream. I know that scream. I ran to the football field only to see who I think his name is Bryant forcefully grab her shaking her like some rag doll. I saw Brittany.

" O-ok Bryant f-f-ine I will do anything just p-p-lease let me go." she begged. He smiled.

" Let you go? OK I will let you go." His smilewas fine and now replaced with a disgusted look. He threw her down. She let out a groan and he began to kick her. I didn't know what was going on but I knew that I had to stop him.

" Hey why don't you stop beating on her and come beat on me?" I said. He whipped around and looked at me. I can tell he has been drinking because of the way he's wobbling and he's been smoking pot because of his eyes.

" Why don't I then?" he said yelling like some Indian and charging to me. He tried to hit me but I moved out the way which caused him to fall down.

" Come on man. You gotta do better than that." I said. He got up and charged at me agian. This time I just let him come at me. I hit him in the nose then in the jaw. He and and slapped me across the face and I flew. Ouch.

" Help!" Brittany screamed. I saw kids running including some teachers. I ran towards him and hit him in the jaw. I don't know how but he fell and I think he passed out.

Brittany sat on the ground and cried. I walked over to her and lifted up her face. She had a black eye,a busted lip and a bruise forming on her cheek. I held her and watched as they took him to wherever they were taking him. I then heard claps and whistles and saw people cheering for me.

Honest came and helped me pick up Brittany.

" Why are they clapping?" Brittany asked.

" Because your lovely cousin and my best friend just beat up the woman beater of the school. Many girls were complaining about it including me but didn't know how to tell no one. Now they finally got him and can stop him for good." she said with a smile.
And right then and there, I knew I did something right for once I my life.


I was laying in my hammock behind my house. After the incident between Brittany, Lucia, and Bryant I decided to skip class. Actually the rest of the school day. It was good to see a girl like Lucia fight a boy like Bryant. He makes me sick. Always betting on women when he can't get what he wants. It's stupid.

But, the way she hit him. Hw c one punch to the face knock someone out. I've tried to learn but never succeed. Bow I ate ask how.

" I ever knew that a girl like her can fight like that." Sebastian said. Indeed I thought that same thing. I knew she was feisty and stubborn but I had no idea she could fight. I guess you learn something new about a person everyday.

" But, you have 2 more months until this bet is officially over. " Marcus said passing everyone a beer. I hadn't forgot about that either.

" Yeah. But question how are we going to know that you did it. Your a good liar but we're not going to go by your word on this one." Carlos says. Everyone else says mhm and yep. I sit there and think.

I could give a condom, but that can be used on any girl. I couldn't give bed sheets because she's not a virgin. So only thing left is video. Even though it's low down for a guy in particular, I am a pretty low down guy so why not a video.

" A video. I can give a video." I said, patting myself on the back for giving that good idea.

" Don't you think that's kinda low down?" Marcus asked. Again, Marcus is being the softy he is.

" Yeah but guess what? I'm a pretty low down guy so low down is what I'm good at." I say fist bumping the guys. I patted Marcus on his back and he laughed shaking his head.

" Yeah. Your low down alright."

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