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Diego P. O. V

Here I am at home on a Saturday. Being bored as hell. I called up all my females but they all had other plans. So I stayed at home drinking scotch. Then I started to think about that bitch. Since I never knew her name I'm going to call her 'bitch'. It's a rude thing to call a girl, I know. But I that's what she acted like so that's what I'm going to call her. I thought about what she said I acted like. I mean I don't act like I'm a bad boy, I am ONE. Actually I'm a bad boy player who can't seem to settle down with no one. And I don't plan to either.

As I looked at the blunt that was rolled up and ready to be smoked, I think of that bet. That's one thing I have to keep my eyes on. Getting that girl. Even though she's feisty I don't want her being a bitch towards me. I have what 3 more months to make her mine. If not I owe my little friends some free weed and my cars. And I love my babies.

After drinking some more scotch I decide to drive my car. Sometimes before the sun goes down I love to see the sun set. Okay, I am a bad boy, technically yes. But I love watching the sun goes down.

It's sad of thinking of times like these. Especially when your tipsy and on a cliff looking over a city watching the sun go down. It's my favorite spot in the city besides the teenage club and bars.

After looking for a few more minutes I began to think of a plan to have sex with this girl but not have any strings attached or emotional feelings. Hmm...... I know. I will make her fall in love with me. That's the only way. And it starts tomorrow which is a Monday.

That means I have a whole week to make this "bitch" fall in love with me.


Monday Morning

So this is the day that starts off bitch week. Like the name? I call it that because this is the day I get the girl that I bet on. And I made I plan.

1. Have sex with her.
2. To make her fall in love with me.
3. Break her heart and tell her it was all a bet.
4. Leave her

Easy as pie.

Anyway, I do my usual routine. I get up, take a shower, put some clothes of course, style my hair, put on some axe, grab my phone and leave. I've been doing it for years now. My jet black hair always needs to be styled. It's just a thing.

As I got on my motor cycle I see my self in the side mirror and look at myself. My green eyes and jet black hair set my bad boy mood. I was wearing ripped jeans and a a wife beater. If I was going to make thing girl fall in love with me then I'm going to have to show her my muscles and tattoos. Maybe flex just a little.

I put the keys in the ignition and heard my baby purr to life. I sighed and put on my helmet. Hey, I might be a bad boy but I am not going to get into a motorcycle accident. I kicked the kickstand and rode to school. Even though I didn't feel like getting up this morning, I had to get this bet over with.

As I pulled up to school I saw the girl standing by her car talking to Honesty and Brittany. Brittany and her must be related. They have the same natural hair. The same eye color and everything. But the 'bitch' has more curves than her.

I parked my motorcycle in my designed spot and watch the girl walk inside. I lit a cigarette and started to smoke it.

"Hey, no smoking on school grounds." the resource officer said. I huffed, took one more smoke and threw it on the ground. I put on my leather coat and walked inside the school.

As usual I had all the girls staring at me. I love the attention. I had all the girls staring except for three. That would be the bitch Brittany and some other girl. They were talking and laughing. So me and my friends walled up to them.

" Hey bitch, your on my locker" I said. The girls looked at me. The bitch rolled her eyes and the other girls eyes went wide as she gulped. She was looking at Sebastian. Brittany one the other hand was rolling her eyes.

" Did anyone ever tell you that it's not nice to call a female a bitch" the girl said. I smirked.

"Yeah but I don't know her name and every female I meet and I don't know their name I call them a bitch. " I said.

" Listen let's get two things straight. One, I don't like guys like you. I pretty much made that clear. And two, I'm no bitch. But I can be one if want me to. " the bitch said. I rolled my eyes.

" Okay, your playing hard to get. I understand but we can get along just fine if you let me take you out. " I said. The bitch rolled her eyes.

" Yeah sure probably when I die." she said. While unlocking her locker and pulling out her coat. Then I hot a great view of her ass. I can't wait til I can tap that and don't have to worry about it.
" Hello earth to jerk face. Ever heard it's not nice to stare at someone's ass?" she said,smirking. She got me then I was staring. I saw put on her jacket an pull out a cigarette.

"Listen you don't know me and I don't know you so let's exchange names. My name is Diego." I said. She put the cigarette between two fingers and looked at me.

" My name is Lucia. Now if you will excuse me I have stuff I need to do." she said walking away.

I looked at Sebastian. He shrugged. I looked at the spot she was just in a second ago. This girl was playing hard to get. Now it's time I soften her up.

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