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Today. Monday morning. Me and Diego projects was due. I spent all last night working on it whole he sat his lazy ass at home doing nothing but either fucking, getting drunk, or getting high.

" Thanks for doing the project." he said.

" Whatever. You better be glad I put your name on the project. "

" I know you did. "

" Thank you Tammy and Lucas for giving a wonderful presentation of your project. Now I would like to have Diego and Lucia come and give their presentation of their project." She looked at us and I glared at Diego.

As we got up and walked to the front of the classroom I said " If you even say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing, I am going to rip out your balls."

" We could do that later but now let's talk and present. " he said looking at the class.

I don't know what happened but when Diego looked at the class they shut up immediately.

" We then, now that I have your attention, let's start the presentation. " Diego said looking at me.

" Ok. So we actually didn't do much. I actually took some of this red liquid and the blue liquid and mixed it together. " I said, experimenting.

" Nice way to put it so they can understand. " he muttered. I glared at him and went back to what I was doing.

" Since it made a purplish color, and I hate purple, I decided to mix the orange and it did this." I said. I stood back. It started to turn many different colors and it started foaming. I smiled and the teacher looked frantic.

" Your going to blow the school up. " she screamed.

" No. No. Just watch" The foam stopped and went back down again.

" Someone turn off the lights." I yelled. The lights went off and it made a beautiful colors, illuminating the room.

" That's... Beautiful. How did you do that?" the teacher asked.

" It was just something we came up with. " I said smiling.

" Well, congrats. You passed. Never though I would ever say that Mr. Davis. " she said shaking our hands. The class clapped and I turned and gave Diego a hug. He didn't hug me back for a while and I was about to pull back. That was until I felt his arms wrap around me. We were hugging for quite some time until I pulled back.

Talk about something awkward.

" Class is over. Have a good day. Remember your homework is to define the words on page six. "

Everyone shuffled out the classroom until I was the only one left. I left out and went to my locker. I opened it up to have it closed it again by Diego.

" You did good. " he said.

" You too, even though you barley said anything. " I said opening my locker again.

" Hey. But you put my name on the paper so I still get graded. "

" Yeah. So about that hug..." I said. I got out my gym clothes and my history book.

" Yeah. About that... It was a friendly gesture... "

" That can never happen again." I finally said.

" Yeah. Never again." he said. I smiled and closed my locker.

" Ok . " I said.

" We should celebrate. "

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