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" Will you go out with me?" Daniel asked ad he held my hand. We were in the middle of an classy five star restaurant

" You already asked me out, and I'm here. " I said. He smiled and shook his head.

" No I mean will you be in a realationship with me. As in dating me. As in boyfriend and girlfriend. " he said smiling. I sat there shocked. Me? In a realationship? With Daniel?

" Don't you have a girlfriend somewhere on the other side of town?" I said hoping the answer was yes.

" No. Unfortunately I don't. She cheated on me with this guy named Johnathan. I caught then in bed together. " he said.

I then asked" Why me? "

" Because your the most I care about. Yeah I care about my family and my friends but you hold a special place in my heart. I come to school everyday hoping your there just so I can see a peice of your black hair everyday. That day I met yoy at the party I can tell, by even your drunken self,thay even when your sober I would start to take a liking to you. But I wouldn't of thought it would've been this strong . I only known you for about two months or maybe two and a half but I'm willing to know more about you through the rest of our senior year here if your willing to. So I asked you out tonight to know, Lucia Mary Granges Fernandez, will you go out with me as in a realationship?" He had a hopeful light in his eye that was praying that I would say yes. Poeple around us were saying " awws" and " say yes". So I stood up and said

" Daniel, you are the most caring boy ever. No one in all my life had ever said anything like that. In front of all these people. You knew I didn't like relationships and I was a bad person but you still decided to take me out and ask me to be in a relationship. I have to say that this is the most anyone has ever done for me in my seventeen years of living. I was a player and everything but you still tried and I like you for that. You know what you want and you go for it. And you wanted me. So you did your best to try. " I said smiling. He stood up and looked at me. The restaurant was silent as people looked with fascination.

" So do I get you?" he asked still looking hopeful.

" Yes. Daniel Richardson you do get me. Flaws and all. " I say happily. He shouted and picked me up. He pressed his lips to mine and kissed me hard. I opened my mouth immediately and let him in. I heard clapping in the background. I tore my mouth away from his and put my head in Daniels neck. He laughed and rubbed my back. I smiled and he put me down.

" Your gonna finish eating?" he asked.

" No I wanna get home with you. " I said as I looked at him. He nodded and asked for the bill. He paid and left a tip. We left out and we got in his car.

" Wait, I have to show you something first. " he said. He pulled out of the restaurant parking lot and began to drive. I closed my eyes and smiled as Daniel grabbed my hand.

" Ok look. He said. I looked and saw the most beautiful thing ever. We were on a cliff and it looked okay the city making it look like little tiny stars.

" It's beautiful" I said.

" Not as beautiful as you. " he said. I smiled and leaned forward. He met me half way and kisses me sweetly. It was slow and I wasn't used to slow. I pushed him back so I was on top of him. We still kissed as I unbuttoned his shirt. I was struggling and I just ripped the buttons off his shirt making them his the car windows. He pulled away and I whimpered.

" I think we should take this to the Beck seat don't you think? " he asked. I nodded not able to talk and I kicked off my heels while going to the back seat. He followed pursuit and we began to suck each other faces again. His lips traveled all over ed my body making me hot.

My dress was first to go them my underwear. Then he was back to kissing me. He rubbed me through my panties and I groaned.
" This is not playtime. Please Daniel?" I begged.

" What baby? Tell me what you want. " he said kissing lower.

" I. Want. You. " I said he came back up and began to kiss my lips again . I unzipped his pants and pulled them lower. He pulled off his boxers and I was beginning to get antsy.

" Hold on baby, you'll get your pleasure. " he six defile getting a condom. He rolled it on and I parted my legs. He shoved it in quick and hard making my head hit the door. But I didn't care.

" Oh. Fuck.. So tight." he said. Then he started to go faster. He was gripping my thighs hard making me want to come right then and there.

" Oh... Shit.. " I moaned. He kissed me some more and I kissed him back. Then we rode out our orgasm togther as I yelled his name out and he yelled out mine. He slowed down and came to a stop all together.

" That was amazing. " I panted. He nodded and rested his head on my chest. I smiled and began to play with his sweaty hair. I then fell asleep not having any doubts at all.


" Have you heard anything from Lucia?" Honesty asked. I shook my head and looked through my Instagram.

" I haven't heard anything from he all night. " Brittany said. I sighed. All night they've been talking about Lucia and her date with Daniel.

" They're fine " I said.

" No she's not. She hasn't answered her phone. She's been gone since six and it's now 1:00 in the morning and she's not here." Brittany said. Carlos came and hugged her.

" Let's just sit here and wait. " I said calmly. They all agreed and we waited. And waited and waited. Then we waited some more and. Some more.

At 3:47 a. m.,the door opened and Lucia walked in. Everyone was half way asleep when she came. I was on the couch,Carlos and Brittany went up to her room, Honesty was in the guest room with Sebastian and Mar us left around two.

" About time you got back. " I said. She jumped and looked over the couch.

" How long were you here?" she whispered.

" I've been here all night. The boys called because your cousin and best friend were about to go in a frenzy because you didn't show up. "

" Oh good for you. " she said.

" I supposed your date went well. " I said coming closer to her.

" Yeah it did. " she said stepping back. I took a step closer.

" I can tell. " I whispered as she took a step back.

" How? Can you smell the sex on me or something?" she asked. I chuckled.

" Yeah I can actually. You smell like sex and Ralph Lauren. "

" Well, I suppose I can smell like my boyfriend. " she said rolling her eyes.

" You don't do relationships, remember? " I said coming closer to me.

" I know that but I gave poor Daniel a try. He wanted me and that's who he got now I would like to take a shower so I can get the smell of sex off of me. " she said. She pushed me away and she went up stairs.

I sat on the couch.

Well, damn didn't see that one coming.

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