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Lucia P.O.V.

A couple hours earlier

Me, Honesty and Brittany were walking around the mall together. Brittany deicided she didn't like the clothes I brought her, so she decides to get something her own taste. We've been walking around the mall for hours and my feet were about to give out. It had to be around 5 in the afternoon.

"I'm so tired and their are so many bags." I complained. Brittany skipped ahead of us and began to walk backwards.

"Come on. We've only been here for about three hours." She said. Me and Honesty stopped and dropped out bags.

"Three hours too many." Honesty snapped. I don't know what's been her problem, but shes been upset ever since then party a couple weeks ago.

"Whats your problem?" Brittany asked her. Honesty sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Nothing. Let's go. I need to get home." Honesty said. She picked up her bags and walked ahead of us.

"I don't think she's ok." Brittany said to me. I nodded and walked up to her.

"Maybe it's something going on at home." I said.

"Maybe we can ask her later." Brittany suggested. I nodded and walked out the mall and to the car.

We all got in and we drove home. Honesty was busy, tapping furiously on her phone. I really wanted to know what was getting her all worked up but she just kept putting it off. As we pulled into my parking lot, she was the first to jump out. She asked up to my house and went in.

We left our bags in the car and went after her. I walked inside the house and saw her sitting on the couch pecking on her phone.

"Honesty?" Brittany called to her. She stopped her foot and turned around. Her face showed clear irritation and annoyance.

"What do you want?" She asked Brittany.

"What is wrong with you?" Brittany asked.

"Nothing. I'm just tired... yeah really tired." She said.

"Your tired?" I asked her. She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Lucia go away." She said. I was taken back by her answer.

"What is your problem? You just snapped on Lucia for no reason." Brittany snapped at her.

"Now hold on. I'm the one with the problem. While, we were hardworking in school, you were around getting high off cocaine and sucking dick so you can pay off your debt for the cocaine." She said, pointing at Brittany. Brittany gasped and her eyes turned glassy.

"Shut up, Honesty." I told to her. She looked at me and laughed.

"You know what. You wanna know what's wrong with me then fine. Diego is cheating on you. And here I am. I've been covering for him. Me and Sebastian. Because we care about him." She said. When it registered in my brain, I could literally here my heart break in two.

"No. He wouldn't do that." I said.

"Oh yes. He would. During prom, he left and went to fuck Linda. He fucked her at the hotel you stayed at for the weekend. They fucked on the bed you fucked him in. And when he was ignoring you and being cold... it was because he was getting all the pussy he can get from Linda."

"Honesty..." Brittany started.

"And he's been doing it for sometime. He never loved you. He loved Linda. And for that I'm sorry. I'm sorry that he's just like every other guy you've dated." She said walking towards the door.

"Honesty wait." I said to her. She turned around and I walked calmly to her. I slapped her in the face, hard.

Her head whipped to the side and she let out a cry in pain.

"You were never a friend. You were never a sister. I treated you good. When you didn't have no friends, I turned around and gave you everything I had. But you threw it all away just so Diego can keep up with his little schemes." I said to her.

"Lucia, I have always been your friend." She said.


"Please... I'm sorry." She said.

"GET OUT. GET OUT." I yelled at her. I came towards her and pushed her with all my might out my house. I slammed the door. I just broke down. Brittany ran to me and just held me.

"It hurts." I cried out. She nodded and rocked me. I tired to calm down but everytime I thought about our good memories I cried harder.

"It ok Lucia." Brittany whispered. I shook my head and cried harder.

"No. Im lost without him. He was the love of my life. He broke me. He made me lovable even when I didn't want to. And he leaves me broken and heart." I say. We sat there on the floor for a good 20 to 30 minutes. I believe I eventually fell asleep.

I sat up on the couch and looked around. Tears reappeared as I made my way to the kitchen. I went to the cabinet and pulled out a bottle of wine. I opened it and took a swig. A got a wine glass and poured some in there. I thought one glass would've been enough but no it wasn't. So I had to keep going.

A half bottle of wine and a rolled up blunt later, I'm sitting on the floor with the blunt between my fingers. I leaned back against the cabinet and lit the blunt. I took a puff and blew the smoke away. I leaned back and let wees soothe me.

While I smoked the blunt, there was a knock at the door. I ignored who Eve it is and walked upstairs. I went to abuela's old bedroom.

I sat on her bed and looked at the ceiling. I thought after graduation I would've been on with my dreams of marrying Diego and even having fucking kids. But he fucked up.

"Why does bullshit like this happen to me?" I lost 2 important people in my life. Diego makes three. Just thinking about all the good times we had, my eyes began to water up. I choke back a sob as I sip on the wine some more. My chest is hurting as I roll in the bed.

Nothing can describe how bad I'm feeling. Questions run through my mind and I can't stop them. The first set of tears roll down my face and I can't stop them. They roll down slow and they sped up over time.

My head and heart is heavy and I know that this is what true heartbreak feels like. I knew that a day like this would come. But not so soon.

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