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" Yes momma."

" So how are you doing down there?" Momma asked. I was getting bored of the conversation. Actually I was bored when I first started this conversation with her. Momma wanted papa to talk to me but he refused which was cool with me. Not like I wanted to talk to him anyways.

" Excellent! I'm actually passing all of my classes." I said. That isn't a lie actually. I'm passing every class. Except for chemistry. You know, the class I have with jerk face, dumb ass, Diego.

" We really miss you down here." she said. I laughed. But not with no humor.

" Oh really? You guys missed me?! What a reasonable thing to say. Last time we were on the phone you said that you actually been having a good time up there without me. You know? Kid free. Care free. Well news flash bitch I'm never coming back." I said and hung up the phone. Things like this makes me mad. I stomp up to my room.

" Deje de pisotear Lucía" my abuela said. I huffed and apologized.

" Si Abuela. " I said as I walked into my room. I needed to take my stress out on something. Things like this piss me off. People like my parents piss me off.

Back at home,if I were to get angry, I would go to the nearest gym and instead of beating up people I decided to beat up a punching bag. It was a great stress reliever. That's exactly what I'm about to do. Find the nearest gym.

" Siri. Find the nearest gym close to home." I said to my iPhone. I love technology. Turns out there's one right around the corner from my house. Hmm walking distance. I got up and grabbed my gym bag stuffing everything I need in it which includes:Gatorade, gym clothes, hand tape, and ect. After that I grab my bag and head towards the door.

I may have been the stupidest person on earth because I swear I didn't hear any rain. I opened the door to see it raining. I grunted still angry. I huffed and closed the doors. Nothing and I mean nothing is going to stop me from going to that gym and punching me a bag to get all of my madness out. I ran upstairs and grabbed my coat and put it on.

I grabbed my keys and yelled a " I will be back soon" over my shoulder as I closed the door. The rain hit me and I welcomed it. It felt good and it was calming me down. I hopped inside my car and sped away. I followed the directions on my GPS. It gave me direct directions to the gym. Harleys Gym the sign read as I came up. I parked my car on the curb. I got out bag in hand ready to get this done.

I walked in and seen a man sitting behind a desk.

" We need I. D. Or a badge stating that this is not your first time or you can sign up for free today." the man said looking up at me.

"Yeah. I'm new. And I would love to sign up. " I said. He gave me a peice of paper that requires me to give them some personal information. So I filled out the ones they needed and kept the ones they don't blank. I gave him the paper and he looked it over. He shook his head.

" Mhm. You have to fill out the ones that blank." he said. I smiled.

" I don't have to you want me to. And why would you need my social security number?"I stated. He bowed his head and gave me a card.

" The names Jim." he said sticking out his Hand. I laughed and shook it.

" The names Lucia." I said. He told me directions and I followed them. And the I came to the rest room where o changed into some spandex shorts that makes my ass look bigger and a sports bra showing off my flat stomach. I topped that off with some tennis shoes. I grabbed my stuff and followed the see directions Jim gave me. I came to a big door

And behind this big door is where I release all of my stress. I opened the door and seen everyone working out. And my my my there was some seriously sexy people in that gym who was making me swoon and add the to my fuck list. Even if they are between 18 and 30.

I looked around and saw the nearest punching bag. I walked to wards it and dropped my things. I put up my guard and began to kick and punch it. I remembered what all the things my dad said to me.

" Your a disgrace" he says. Which made me punch harder. I repeated everything he said to me and it made me punch harder. I felt someone grab my hand and I swung and hit that person in the face.

And that person ladies and gentlemen was Diego Davis


It was a hard punch. I think I actually flew back. Only thing I know is that when she threw that person I was more astonished than hurt. Never knew a girl can punch that hard.

" Working you hit hard as hell." I groaned as I rubbed my jaw. She rolled her eyes and began to punch the bag again. I can tell someone must've pissed her off.

" What are you doing here fuck boy?" she asked still punching the bag. I'm really starting to like the nicknames she's giving me.

" Actually this is my uncles gym and I come here every day to work out. Now why are you here?" I asked. She turned around and her breast were on full display in that sports bra she was wearing. But I think I was staring a tad bit too long because she cleared her throat.

" Did you listen to anything I just said?" she said, her voice annoyed.

" Yeah... Maybe.. No" I said. She sighed and rolled her eyes. What is up with her rolling her eyes today.

" Well, I'm here to blow off some steam. I got real angry Ault something or someone but it's none of your concern you can leave. " she said showing me off. She turned around and went back to punching the bag. I laughed as I watched her hit it again but this time force.

I walked back and began to punch. I then heard aloud crash and looked back to Lucia to find that all her hard punching closed her to make the bag break. I stared at her shocked. I knew she was strong by her punch but I didn't know she was that strong. She grabbed her bag and I watched all Eyes go to her. Even the oldest men seemed to like her strength and beauty.

If trying to get her into bed with me is going to be this hard the I would love to take a challenge.

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