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Lucia P. O. V

" Ok, what is this is my beautiful dog in Spanish?" the teacher asked. I rolled my eyes and looked around the room. This is exactly why I didn't want to take this class.

" Este es mi hermoso perro" I say. The teacher clapped and continued on with class. I plugged in my headphones and listened to my music. I listen to mostly hip hop or maybe some Latin music. Sometimes the music would help me get through a rough day. That and a bottle of vodka.

" Miss. Lucia?" I heard the teacher call. I groaned and turned my music up. I laid my head on the desk and pretend I didn't hear her.

Like twenty seconds later, I felt a tap on my shoulders. I sat up and was face to face with Mrs. Davis. I took my ear buds out and looked at her.

" I told you to take your ear buds out. You can't just sit here and listen to music whenever you want to. You have to learn. I told you all this week to put your phone away. And I had a enough. Hand it over." she said, holding her hand out. I looked at her hand and at her face then at her hand again. Then I started to laugh.

" Y-you think your g-getting my phone. Your very funny." I said, while laughing. She could ask the teacher that was at my old school. That didn't end well.

" If you don't want to hand the phone over to me you will have detention for the rest of the month." she said. I shrugged and got up. She moved back. Did this lady think I was going to hit her?!? I smiled and walked to the door.

" Where are you going?" she asked.

" Since I have detention and I really don't need this class because I already speak the fucking language I will start my detention for the rest of the week today. So adiós ms Davis nos vemos el próximo mes". I said. I walked out and slammed her door.


I of course, had to sit at the back of the classroom. There were more seats, but I wanted the one all the way in the back. The detention room was a small room. I heard that not many people come in here. Only the 'bad boys'. Wow. I actually heard that not a lot of girls come in here. So I love that.

I was texting Daniel ( since I was the only one in there and the teacher left out.) so we can meet up at a place so we can get our session on. Oh yeah. I meant to tell you that after that night, we decided to keep a friendship. But every Friday and on the weekends we would meet every day for our daily session. I kept him on speed dial.

But anyway, I was sitting there texting him, when the door came open and step in came the 'bad boys'. Diego was in front of all the boys. Then came the boy that I think named Marcus. He was beside him like some second in command. Then there was Sebastian and Carlos. Sebastian Carlos and Diego are, from what I heard of, are the players. But Marcus is the settle down type.

" Princessa your in my seat" I heard Diego say. I nodded my head, but kept my as planted to the seat. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he close to me. He came so close that I'm sure we were breathing the same air. But he was in my personal space.

" Listen I'm going to need you to back up a little bit and find a seat. Plus I don't see your name on it." I said smirking. He backed up but looked at me. He took the seat right next to me on my left and Carlos took the one on my right. Marcus sat in front of me. Sebastian sat next to Marcus.

" So tell us about your self since we don't know you." Sebastian said. I looked at him and I seemed to be the center of attention.

" Ok. Let's see. I came from Mexico. My parents are rich. I love too cook. I have 7 tattoos. I have a belly button piercing. And as you can see I have a nose ring and a tongue one." I said. They sat looking at me bewildered.

" You have 7 tattoos?!" Diego asked. I nodded not really caring.

" Where?" Asked Carlos.

" I have one on my back, my ankles, but mostly my arms." I said shrugging off my coat showing them my arm. They all looked at it and loved it.

"It's cool since I did them myself." I said. Carlos looked at me and seemed happy.

" Piercings too?"

" Yep."

Diego P. O. V

I rolled my eyes. This bi-, I meant Lucia, thought she had more tattoo than me. This girl must be out of her mind. I have 13. I had on my neck, some on my chest but mostly on my arms. She beat me in the piercing department. I will not get a piercing. But I would love to see that pretty body while I'm fucking the living daylights--

" Hey, what are you groaning for over there? " Sebastian asked. I snapped out of my trance and looked at him. I shook my head.

" Niño Loco" I heard Lucia say. I snapped my head din her direction. I have a feeling she called me something. Loco stands for crazy. But I don't know what Niño stands for.

" What did you just call me?" I said.

" Well, since you don't know Spanish then I can say this
Su un yo quiero centrada arrogante fea sea chico malo" she said. The guys laughed. They all knew how to speak Spanish but I didn't. It's OK they I will find out what she called me.

" Well your a-a-a " What the hell was that word in Spanish?!

" I'm a what?" she asked smirking.

" Perra . Yeah, your a Perra." I said. Lucia started to laugh. Wait, why in the hell was she laughing.

" Is that the only spanish you know? Is that the only word?" she said,still laughing." I didn't say anything.

" Hahaha. So funny but it's not like I need it anyway." I said.

" Yeah. But it wouldn't kill you to learn more than one word. she said. Before I can say something the bell rung signaling that detention was over. When we got out into the hallway I saw that Lucia was gone.

" How are you going to handle her? Sebastian asked.

" What do you mean?"

" I mean she's stubborn and feisty. It going to take a lot of energy to get her into bed." he said patting my back.

" Look at this face. Any girl would be falling on their knees to be wishing just to have a price of clothing from me." I said.

Sebastian patted my back again. So did Marcus, and Carlos. Then they left and I was the only one standing in the middle of a high school hallway, thinking of another plan to get her to fuck me.

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