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On Friday evening, me and the girls were sitting down watching a movie. It was some romantic. I think it came out in 2003 or something. But I forgot the name of it. It's about this girl who love to dance and this guy came from out of no where and she will help her to dance. It's stupid I know.

" Can we please turn to something else? " I asked.

" Nope" Brittany answered.

" Who asked you?" Honesty asked.

" No one. "

Brittany threw popcorn at her face and I laughed.

" Why did you do that?!" Brittany shrieked. I continued to laugh at her horrified expression.

" One, because I was bored and no one wanted to watch this boring ass movie and two because I felt like it." Brittany said.

Then there was a popcorn fight. Popcorn was thrown everywhere. Behind the couch, on the floor. It was everywhere.

I continued to laugh at the girls I call my sisters. I laughed so hard laugh out loud is a new meaning. I laughed so hard I fell off the couch making the girls turn to me.

Next thing I know I felt popcorn in my face. I, being shocked, sat flat on my ass with my mouth hung open looking stupid.

" No you didnt."

" Yes we did" they said and started to run.

Yeah. Great idea.

We ran all over the house. Up the stairs. In the bed rooms. In the bathrooms. We ran and ran and ran. I fell a couple times giving them the advantage to get away. When I got up I went downstairs to see the girls standing side by side, hands behind their back.

I rose my eyebrow. " What are you doing?" I asked.

" Were just saying that were sorry... FOR NOT BEING SORRY ENOUGH!!" Then they pulled out cans of whip cream and began to spray me. I squealed and tried to cover my self. I felt like a dessert topping.

It got all over my clothes and in my hair.

" Okay. Okay. You guys win. You guys win.. Whatever this is. You win. I put up my flag just stop spraying me." I yelled. I felt the spraying stop and I looked up. They were smiling and I ran up to them and hugged them.

I got whip cream all over them and I loved it. They tried to push me off of them but me being stronger it didn't happen.

There was a ring at the door that made me stop hugging them. I ran to the door and opened it.

I opened it to come face to face with fuck face him self.

" Yes Diego? What do you want?" I asked. I looked him up and down and saw he was shirtless. I must've gazed too much because I heard him clear his throat. I looked up and gave him a what the fuck do you want face.

" Yeah. I'm hear because our car is miles away from our cabin and we need somewhere to sleep for the weekend." Diego said

" Why don't you go back to u our cabin?"

" Because we are lost. " he said. I laughed and looked at him.

" Oh. The big bad boy is lost. Poor kitten." I said grabbing his cheekes.

" Whatever. Are you gonna let us stay or not?" he snapped.

" Hold your horses. And by the way Yeah you can. You came at the right time. We need help." I said. At that moment I remembered the messes we made all around the house. Nice to have company over to help right?

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