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It's been a couple days since the fight/argument at Honesty party. I've avoided their calls and their texts. I've been with Daniel ever since. He was able to get an apartment by his self so I just stayed with in and only went home if I needed more clothes.

We move into his apartment today and it was a lot. His boxes were full of football awards to soccer awards. He had pictures and every other thing he needed. For me it was only two suitcases of clothes, pajamas and under garments. Then a bag full of my personal items like shampoo, conditioner, body wash, makeup, and things like that. Then I had a tote bag full of shoes. For school and partying since Christmas was coming up.

I decided to spend the holidays with my grandma. So I called her up.

She picked up on the second ring " Hola?"

" Hey Abuela. I was wondering about coming to your house to eat for the holidays. "

" Oh honey. I'm sorry but I'm not home. You've been staying with that boy so much I decided to stay with your parents. Brittany is at Carlos house with his parents. "

" Oh. Ok. I'll stay with Daniel then. "

" Ok. I got to go love you. " She says and hangs up before 8 can say I love her back. I sigh and lough against the couch the movers brought in. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. I felt someone come a kiss my neck.

" You ok babe? " he says. I smile and turn around to see his face. He looks better. His left eye is coming back fine and his lip has healed.

" Yeah. I just wanted to spend Christmas with my grandma but it seems that I can't because she's gone. "

" I'm sorry for that baby. But you can spend it with me and my parents. " he says.

" Dont you think it's too soon? " I ask.

" Too soon for what?"

" For me to be meeting your parents. " I said.

" Nonsense. It's never too soon. " he said and I pulled him down to kiss me. He climbed over the couch and landed on top of me making me laugh. His hand traveled to my shirt where he ripped the buttons off. I pulled back.

" If you keep ripping my buttons off my shirts I'm not going to have any button up shirts left for you to rip off. " I say.

He smiles." Yeah. We're going to have to by you some more now aren't we?" I nod as we kiss again. His hands travel from in between my breast to my jeans when his phone starts ringing. He pulls away and I pull him back.

" Ignore it." I say and kiss his neck. He moaned but still pulled away.

" I wish I could but this may be very important. " he kissed me and grabbed his phone. He went into the other room to answer the phone.

Who goes to the other room to answer the phone? I ask myself.

A person who either likes their privacy, has very important business to discuss or is keeping a secret. My conscious tells me. I sighed. I'm just not having enough trust in him. But something was telling me to go put my ear to that door and eavesdrop.

So I got up and put my ear to the door.

" No you can't come over... Because I'm doing something... I got work all this and in spending christmas at my house with my parents.. Fine but only for an hour... Yeah... I love you too baby.... Bye... " I heard him sigh and I ran to my spot on the couch. I heard him open the door but I pretended to be singing and playing with my nails.

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