Friends ?

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I decided to let them stay we talked for a while me getting to know them and them getting to know me. I know how strange this is but I felt like I already knew them but that's not possible they don't live near me. We where playing 20 questions it was my turn to ask a question to Brad I thought hard about it "okay what's your dream job ?" I asked there was just silence and Brad looked really awkward "em my dream job is to be a .. Well.. I don't actually know."he replied after a moment of silence. "Oh come on you must know what your dream job is Brad your 17 !" I said back at him."okay them missy what's your dream job then ?" Brad said feeling quiet pleased with the come back he just made. "My dream job is to be a professional photographer and make like movie trailer films and music videos if you must know." I said feeling quiet proud. We spoke for another hour or two getting to know each other but then my sister texted me saying she's here and I need to leave to go ready for the concert. I said bye to the boys first Tristan "bye tris I've got to go get ready for a concert I hope i see you again." Tris smiled and nodded he gave me his number and left me and Brad alone so I could say goodbye to Brad." Bye Brad thanks for keeping me company it's been a great day I hope I see you soon if not have a great holiday with your mates." I spoke to be honest I was gutted I had to go I really like them especially Brad but it's that stupid thing I know he wasn't feel the same and all of that. " Bye Sky I hope I see you again too here's my number if your not busy tomorrow you me and Tris could come and meet here agin its up to you though " Brad said sounding nervous I agreed we hugged and left Brad offered to help me carry my board to the car but I'm a big girl I can do it for myself.

Just my luck // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now