A creepy text but from who ?

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Today was Georgia's birthday. Yay I love birthdays, you see me and Georgia have became really good mates. I've learned that she's not from America she's from the UK like me😆 she actually she's just moved house to her own house and she wants me to move in with her. But I suggested something else you see when me uncle died he was rich he left me money and a house which was massive and my mum and dad both agreed I could move in to it when I turned 16. But with how big it is I didn't want to live in there by myself I'd be very paranoid so. I said why doesn't Georgia move in there with me. I mean come on there's plenty of room it's a 10 bedroom house and the bedrooms aren't small. But obviously me being me I said come move into my house it's quiet small but I love it and Georgia agreed to it. I decided to leave my family holiday early so I'm flying back home in two days. "Happy Birthday Georgia!" Tristan yelled running at me and Georgia. Okay yes I'm still staying at the hotel with the boys. Light bulb💡I've got an idea. "Hey I'm just gonna go outside and call my mum I've not spoke to her for ages." I said getting up off the sofa and heading to the door. I quickly phoned my mum
"Hi mum it's me em I need a massive favour."
"Hi sky go on what is it?"
"Well it's my mates birthday and I want to throw her a party."
" yeah and let me guess you want me, dad, Sarah and Jay to stay somewhere else tonight so you can throw the party in the villa right oh and you want money?"
"Em yep wow mum you've got skills so can I promise we won't trash the place."
"Em let me think... No you can throw the party at your villa!"
"Wait what my villa I don't have a villa do I ?"
"Yes you do look when your uncle died  he left all of you guys money and a villa each there just like me and your dads villa so throw the party there okay ?"
"Yeah thanks me I'll come over later to get the key and you can tell me where it is bye"
"Okay come around asap because we're going to the park."
"Wait what no who's going the park what park mum no! Nobody is going to the park!" I shouted I was panicking like mad.
"Em well Jay has already gone to the park down the road with Sarah but I don't know which park"
"Mum! You know what happened to Dillion when me Sarah and Dillion went the park I'm going to get them!"
-----------End of phone call-----------
I rushed back into the hotel room grabbed my coat and bag and shouted " got to go" in between crying oh god what if it's going to happen again it will be all my fault. I didn't have time to wait for the lift so I ran down the stairs. I heard a few people shouting me but I ignored them until someone grabbed hold of my arm and stopped me in my tracks. "Where are you going Sky ? Brad asked "What's happened ?" "It's gonna happen again Brad." I whispered burley audible.
Brad's P.O.V
The moment Sky said it's happening again my heart sunk I knew what she was on about Dillion's death. I told everyone to stay at the hotel but they wouldn't have none of it we all ended up running to the park. Sky was crying her eyes out worrying we was just across the road from the park in the middle of crossing the road and Sky froze. She bent down to the road and just cried. It clicked with me this must of been the spot where Sky was holding her brother in her arms as he died. OMG I knelt down and whispered "Sky come on we need to find your brother Jay" "I- I don't want to move what if it's happened to Jay it will be all my fault." Sky whispered back to me. "Come on he'll probably be waiting for you." Eventually Sky got up we carried on crossing the road and when we reached the path sky turned around and looked back at the spot and spoke "I'm sorry bro I'm so sorry, it's all my fault." We all started to run when sky noticed something she stopped.
Sky's P.O.V
I couldn't believe what I was seeing Sarah was sat on the swing with her back to Jay on the phone to someone. Whilst Jay had a pen in his hand and was writing on the sign at the back. I ran faster than I've ever ran before and snatched the pen off Jay throwing it to the ground. " Jay what the hell are you doing!" I shouted at my little brother. " I was scribbling out things on the back of the sign. " Jay said back to me. "Wait you was what !" I was furious I quickly looked at the sign to see my brothers name had been half scribbled out No! " it looked old and messy and stupid so I was scribbling it out why?" I just broke down in tears I fell to the floor crying and crying I couldn't believe it. "Jay come with me and let's go get Sarah come on I'll race you." James spoke "Sky are you okay ?" Jay asked I could tell he was worried. "Yeah Jay I- I'm fine just give me a hug please and listen promise me that you'll never come to this park agin I mean it Jay don't ever come to this park agin not ever okay?" Jay just nodded and ran into my arms he then laid down next to me. I started to cry even more he looked just like how Dillion did when he died I was in the same persuasion kneeling on my knees. I looked over at James and he nodded to me. "Jay go with James to Sarah and tell her that you need to go home tell her I said so okay ?" He nodded and gave me one more hug before he left. I just started to cry even more my memory of my brother his writing the last thing me, Sarah and Dillion did together that was fun was almost taken away from me. I eventually stopped crying after what seemed like forever and got up to leave the park when my phone buzzed. 
1 new message unknown number it read
'I'm coming to get you you'll soon be dead like your brother yeah that's right I'm out and I'm coming for you and all of those boys that your with right now. Yeah that's right I'm watching you!'
Sup everyone thanks for the reads so who do you think it's gonna be who's sent Sky that text ? And what do you think she gonna do please vote and recommend to your mates thanks stay 3000% cool like a watermelon 🍉 bye 👋

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