I can't believe it

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Hey everyone keep reading this please because you're amazing oh and I'm just gonna skip to the party so here we go and here is where the drama begins!!!! Enjoy and make sure you vote!

Brad's P.O.V

So the party started about 30 minutes ago and I must say I didn't know how many friends Sky and Georgia had (no offence girls) I was going to get another drink from the kitchen when you wouldn't believe who was here Beth my exgirlfriend she was horrible girl she used me and the boy's to go on holiday and she spent are money then when we where on tour I got home early and wanted to find my girlfriend to surprise her like goodboy friend would anyway. I went around to her house to find her in bed with Jamie ugh I HATE Jamie always have, always will and the feeling is mutual between us. Anyway's why the hell is she here I need to go before she see's me but where? my room, yeah she won't go there will she. I ran as fast as I could completely abandoning the thought about a drink I could to my room dodging sweaty bodies that where dancing I climbed up the stairs to my room and shut the door behind me. I decided to lay down on my bed and just stare at the celling like a normal person would. Suddenly the door swang open and in came her the bitch sorry for my language my lovely's but it's true that's what she is. Anyway Beth came walking in and just smirked at me she stumbled up to me and came and sat on my lap oh great she's on me and she's dunk and she's at my girlfriends house! could this get any worse? "What do you want Beth? why are you here? How did you find me anyway?" I spat at her trying to get her off me but she wouldn't budge. "I'm here because it's a party and I didn't know that you was gonna be here. But know were alone in a bedroom together I want you Brad. Does this turn you on? If it doesn't I can do many other things for you like this" and before I could say anything she threw her arms around my neck and smashed her lips into mine. Just then the moment it happened my bedroom door swung open "Br- What the hell I can't believe you'd do this to me fuck you Brad fuck you!" shouted Sky then she ran off "Sky! Please listen to me she through her self at me I'm so sorry" I shouted and began running after her I feel like a piece of shit my girlfriend thinks that iv'e just kissed a bitch. Sky just shouted to me " Save it Brad I'm done hearing worthless apologise we're done!" and then she stormed out of her house grabbing her car keys.

Sky's P.O.V

I can't believe that the boy that I love would do this to me! I seen it with my own eye's so he can't deny it. I grabbed my car key's and stormed out of my house oh great I can't drive because I've been drinking I guess I'll be walking then. I just need to get away from here and away from him. I started walking up my drive way when someone grabbed my arm they stopped me from moving I tried but I couldn't get out of they're grip. Suddenly I was spun around to face them it was Bradley probably begging for forgiveness. "Sky please just listen to me" he begged his eyes where red and puffy just like mine he'd been crying too. "Bradley don't bother okay I don't what to hear an apology I just want to get away from you so just let me go. we'll talk about this when I'm ready okay tell you what because you think you've done nothing wrong we can go on a break okay so that when I'm ready to hear your explanation we can get back together and pick up where we left off but for now we're on a break okay? Now let go of me please?" I spoke trying not to cry or look into his eyes. All he did was let go of my arm and with that I carried on walking away from the love of my life.

Hey everyone 👋 thanks for reading told you they'd be drama hope you like it and guess what today is it's my birthday! So for a present will you vote on this whenever you read it thanks keep reading it.💃👊

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