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Hey everyone just wanted to say that this book wait sorry fanfic is coming to an end soon. But anyway I'm just going to skip to two weeks later. ENJOY and make sure to vote! PLEASE!!!

2 weeks ahead

Sky's P.O.V

I'm sat in my bedroom on the floor waiting for the timer to go off on my phone you see I've just took a pregnancy test. I think I need to tell you what's happened recently well the boys had to go back to America to carry on with the tour Liv has gone back to her house and oh yeah I almost forgot. Liv and Tris have been out on 2 dates! But they're not official yet YET means that they will be! Yayyyyyy *Beep Beep* on no the timer has gone off I don't want to look well at least I know that we want the baby and if I'm not pregnant it just means that we need to try agin (which I'm not complaining about 😏) I get up from the floor which is really comfy to be honest and I approach the test. Okay so one line means not pregnant and two lines means that I am. Okay so that's seems pretty simple, I thought reading the package. Okay so I just need to go over to it and see if I can spot two lines, I started walking over to it getting closer and closer and closer when I heard the front door open and Georgia shout my name several times geezers Georgia you've got great timing love. "Coming!" I yelled I grabbed the test and the box and placed them in my bag I'll look at it later simples. I ran down the stairs to see Georgia and about 2 bags surrounding her what the hell she said she was only going out to buy a new top! "Sky you know that you love me will you help me get the rest of the bags from the taxi pleaseeeeeee" Georgia began to beg me doing the puppy dog eyes and fluttering her eye lashes at me. "Fine... But you've got to make tea tonight! Deal?" I asked holding my hand out for her to shake. Georgia nodded her head and shook my hand now I better get those bags, I thought to myself.

*2 hours later*
We've just finished putting away all of Georgia's new clothes it's a good job that she's making are tea tonight I'm knackered. I plopped down on the sofa and got comfy when I began to hear my phone ring. Great I left my phone upstairs in my bedroom I ran as fast as my lil legs could carry me to my room and charged at my phone. It's says '@1halfoftradley wants to FaceTime' that's brads name so his fans don't guess it cleaver I know Fin came up with the idea😂. Anyway I pressed accept and his face popped up on my screen aww how I've missed that face."Ello me chicken, how are you?" Brad said as he appeared with a cheeky grin on his face 😁. "I'm good how are you? Are you being a shit face for Joe or are you actually being good for once?" I asked with a cheeky grin. "Yeah I am actually he's only wanted to kill me about 24 ish times give or take a few anyway have you took THE test yet?" Brad asked its a good job that everyone else isn't in the room obviously @Bradftwifi knew that I was taking a pregnancy test but I guess he's to awkward to say it or maybe he thinks that the boys might be ear dropping or something. "Em yeah I have but I've not had chance to look at the result yet. And please try and be good Brad Joe shouldn't have to babysit a grown man that's 20!" I spoke nervous and serious. "okay how about we make a deal? If you look at the pregnancy test results right now and tell me. Then I'll be good for the rest of the tour otherwise I'll be even more of a pain in the ass to Joe. Deal?" He asked with a cheeky grin. The little shit I thought to myself."okay promise me that you won't be a little shit to Joe and all the boys for the rest of the tour?" I asked "I promise now have a look!" Brad spoke with a cheesy smile plastered on his face. "Okay okay okay gosh I'm gonna look now" I spoke getting up and going to get the test. I grabbed hold of it and walked back over to my phone with Brad looking at me very nervously "Soooo what does it say are you pregnant?" He asked me very eagerly. "Alright let me look."  I said I looked down and I seen the answer....

I'm PREGNANT!!!!!!! Yayyy omfg yayyy me and Brad are gonna be parents in 9months time. There's gonna be a mini me and Brad around here causing kayos!!!!! "Sky what does it say tell meeeeeee." Brad said sounding like a little kid. "Brad we're having a baby!" I screamed Brad's was speechless. "Really? You're not pranking me are you coz if you
are that's the worse prank to pull ever!" Brad said with a questioning look on his face. "No I'm not joking Brad we're gonna have a baby you and me are gonna be parents  to are very own mini you and me!" I shouted with tears of joy coming down my face.

Hey everyone so they're having a baby!!!!

Just my luck // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now