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We finally arrived at the airport and I payed Jamie the money and got out of the taxi before I knew it I was in star bucks waiting to be able to board the plane. Because I was trying to avoid my mates and family who would stop me from leaving or any painful goodbyes I came to the airport straight away and now I've got 5 hours and 20 minutes left and I've been through all of the security so all that's left to do is wait. My phone began to ring I picked it up and looked at the caller id it was Maddie my best friend back home. I answered immediately (AN bold writing is Maddie and italic writing is Sky for the phone call)
Hey Sky how's the holiday are you at the beach in a lovely pink bikini sunbathing and giggling along with your sister? No wait you and your sister are doing each other's hair and painting your nails and doing your makeup? or are you at a spa getting a facial or something like that?
Ha nice guess Maddie but your completely wrong I'm at the airport in Starbucks on me bill.
Wait why are you at the airport first of all and where's ya family?
Im at the airport because you remember the man my uncle who killed my brother?
Em ya of corse I do what's he done now Sky ?
Well first of all I got a boyfriend. Well had and I made some new mates. Do you know who the vamps are ?
Em no I've never heard of them they're not the band that your sister likes are they? oh and the band that I love ? (Note the sarcasm she loves / adores the vamps)
Yeah they are well you know Brad in it ?
Yeah he's the lead singer why ?
He was my boyfriend but I've had to break up with him and the rests of the vamps are my mates, for the past 3 days I've hung out with them I've stayed at there hotel and Georgia Connor's girlfriend she's supper nice.
Oh my fridge freezer your kidding right ?
No I'm not well anyway my uncle is out of prison and he knows where I am he found me today in Summer park the park where Dillion got killed he phoned me and said that he'd do exactly what he did to Dillion to me and my mates who I was with.And Brad, Con, James, Tris, Georgia and Jay where there with me and so was Sarah but we didn't talk to each other when I got back to the hotel I cried then packed my stuff explaining it all to them in a letter I wrote that I'd see them soon in concert or something and I said that I'd have to break up with Brad because of my uncle and I wrote saying that I ... I love him. Maddie I don't know what to do I can't go to my proper house where my stuff is to protect my family but I have no where to go and the keys to the house that I own are in the house where I can't go. What am I going to do Mad's everything is a mess I have to leave my family and friends just so they can have a normal life and be safe which means that I can't talk to you anymore I sorry Maddie.
What no look I'll be okay I'm not gonna leave you I promise Sky you have always been there for me and I for you and that's how it's staying okay !
Maddie but he said that he's gonna kill everyone I love and your in that because your like my sister you mean the world to me and I can't have you dead because of me!
Look Sky I'll come and pick you up from the airport when you land then we'll go to your house pack your stuff then we'll go to your new house and if you want I'll come and live with you, because we stick together it's you and me vs that pice of shit okay? no buts Sky and I mean that !
Okay Maddie thanks your the best. I should land about 2:30 pm in the UK see you then love ya thanks agin Mad's your da bomb.
Anytime Sky hey I can see you right now
Hahah very funny because let me guess your looking at the Sky right?
Yeah you know it heheh
Oh Mad's stop it your killing me with how funny you are seriously be a comedian your hilarious I've never heard that joke before look I'll let you go it'll be something like 8 in the morning so I'll let ya sleep see you tomorrow bye
See ya sky bye
-------Phone call ended------
I was just flicking through Twitter when something caught my eye
'@Thevampsband One way or another I'm gonna find ya #youknowwhatwemean '
I couldn't believe it was that about me ? No they wouldn't put that up about me the fans would soon realise... But maybe it was.
Brads P.O.V
We all heard Sky crying in the bathroom I wanted to go in and check on her but Connor suggested that we leave her alone. "Hey why don't we go get a nandos and bring it back for Sky to cheer her up?" Connor suggested
"Yeah sure you guys go and I'll stay here incase she comes out and wonders where we've gone and if she wants to talk to anyone about why she's crying I'll be here." I said what I couldn't leave my girlfriend who's crying to go get Nandos.
"Come with us we'll leave a note saying that we've gone Nandos and plus it's only like 10 mins away we'll be back in like 30 mins come on man she won't mind." Connor really wanted me to go. "Hey we could go the shop to get some sweets or something like that and have a movie night to cheer Sky up" Georgia said and that's when I finally give in I wrote a note to Sky from all of us saying.'Sky we've gone to Nando's to go get some food to bring back oh and we're going to the shop to have a movie night see you soon love all of us xxxxx'
I left the note on the table so that if she left the bathroom she's see it.
                 Later on
       (Still Brad P.O.V)
We arrived back after almost an hour of being out I hate traffic jams god there annoying. We came back to a hotel in darkness we thought that Sky was playing a joke on us and hiding getting ready to jump out and scare the Jam out of us. We headed off into different parts of the hotel room I went to the bathroom, Connor and James went to the bedroom, Georgia went to the back kitchen part and in the little door that was a tiny space with an iron in and that kind of rubbish and Tris went to the living room part of the room. I searched the bathroom looking for Sky but no look dam! "Em guys come here! You might wanna see this." Tris spoke with that I rushed to where he was sat in the living room his face with mixed emotions. "Brad ... She's em." "She what Tris come on spit it out!" Right now I'm thinking the worse and I was right. "Just read this out loud to everyone." Tristan muttered to me I nodded and grabbed the piece of paper from his hand. 
---------------------------------- sup guy's thanks for reading love ya I know this is long but I've left it on a cliff hanger I'll probably update tomorrow or Wednesday please vote and I think this chapter is super sad 😔 hope you like it bye 👋 remember to keep 3000% cool like a watermelon 🍉bye

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