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Brad's P.O.V

I left to try and find Sky about 5 minutes ago now I've tried her room my room Georgia's room the baby's nursery and she isn't in any of them. I was about to walk into the game's rom when i heard a muffled cry or something. I began following the sound until I came to the door that Sky said not to touch because it's got Dillion's stuff in. I could hear even more crying now so I peered my head around the door which was to my luck slightly open I could just about see Sky sat there with what looks like a beanie in her hands... Oh my it's Dillions beanie I remember her saying. She was now full on crying her eyes out I carefully walked in and sat down on the chair next to Sky. "Hey, Sky  are you okay?" I asked Sky she just nodded her head and didn't look at me she was just staring at her brothers beanie which she was holding onto like her life depended on it. "Sky look at me please... I can tell that you're not okay considering your crying so please tell me what it is whats a matter." I asked Sky whilst moving her hair away from her face. "It's just that I'm scared that I've hurt Georgia it's my fault... If she wouldn't of said to me let me carry the duvet for me then she wouldn't of fell. And I heard Connor before saying that she's pregnant, what if I've killed their baby Brad. I wouldn't be able to cope knowing that it was my fault that they're baby's dead. I'm suppose to be Georgia's best friend. Brad what kind of friend makes their best friend fall down the stairs and potentially kill their baby and there will be us in like 9 months time with are baby. I think that it would come across to them as if I'm trying to rub it in there faces that I've got a child whilst there's is dead . Seriously Brad if anything happens to Georgia or her baby then I'll never forgive myself knowing that it's my fault." I was just about to open my mouth and reply to Sky when we heard someone climbing up the stairs then are names being shouted it was Tris. Hum I wonder what he wants.

Georgia's P.O.V

My eyes flickered open to find myself lying on the floor to see Connor bent down next to me with a massive smile on his face. "What am I doing here?" I managed to croak out of my extremely dry throat. "Georgia you fell down the stairs but there's an ambulance coming but stay still okay princess we don't want you or the baby getting hurt" Connor spoke holding my hands in his, before I screamed as got a sharp pain in my stomach. "Georgia, are you okay? Is it the baby?" Connor started throwing all these questions at me. "My... *Screams* My waters have broke! *Scream* I need.. S.. Sky." " Right James tell the ambulance to hurry up because her waters have broken and Tris go get Sky please and make sure she comes down here don't take no for an answer." Connor spoke giving orders, everyone nodded before they went off to wherever . I screamed again in pain gosh this is just horrible but it'll all be worth it when me and Connor have are baby. We decided not to find out if it's a boy or girl because we want it to be a surprise. "Where's the ambulance James?" I said whilst in agonising pain. "The woman on the phone says they should be here any minute. But stay stay still because it could effect the baby's health, oh and remember to take big breaths when you get a contraction and push if your body is telling you too." James said to me repeating what the woman said to him on the phone." "LIv come on lets go and try and find the ambulance it will probably get lost because of how big the woods are. James I'll text you when we find the ambulance and Connor I suggest that you pack a bag for Georgia before the ambulance comes okay?" Maddie said wow I never knew she known so much about having a baby and what not.

Tristans P.O.V

I've been calling Sky and Brads names all upstairs when I heard Sky's voice coming from a room that Sky said not to go in. "Seriously Brad if anything happens to Georgia or her baby then I'll never forgive myself knowing that it's my fault." I heard Sky say then it went silent for a second so I took that as my opportunity to get Sky. I knocked on the door and waited  a few seconds before I heard a muffeled come in. "Sorry to interupt but Sky Georgia's in labour and she wants you I'm guessing to help her give birth, or something so come on." I said when I walked in to be faced with a sad Sky and Brad. " Tristan she won't want me there near her when its my fault that this has happened in the first place... I hate myself for doing this to Georgia." Sky said whilst a single tear ran down her face. " Right Sky if you want to make it up to Georgia then come on and help her now I mean it Sky. If you don't get up and help Georgia have this baby yourself then I'll carry you down the stairs and force you too. She's your best friend Sky she will forgive you but right now she needs you so come on and get your ghetto booty in gear and get down those stairs." After I finished my little speech Sky nodded her head before she got up and went over to a desk and put what looks like a beanie down but just after she kissed it. I didn't think anything of so I just stood there waiting for them to come. We just got out of the room when we heard another scream it was Georgia we started running as fast as we coould untill we reached her. Sky bent down next to Georgia before saying "Right firstly Brad Tris go get lots of towels and a flannel and a bowl with cold water in and bring them here. Right Georgia I'm so sorry for this happening but we need you to have this baby okay?" We rushed off trying to find the towels and the water.

Sky's P.O.V

The boy's ran off in search of towels whilst I help deliver Georgia's baby. "Okay James tell the person who your talking to that she's going to be having this baby and we need to make her comfertable so were going to move Georgia okay?" James nodded and repeated everything that I've just said to the woman on the phone "She said okay and do you have any experience of delivering baby's if not she'll talk us through it." I nodded my head asif to say yes to James question. "James hang up the phone and got get some pillows from the living room." he nodded and said goodbye to the woman on the phone before rushing off into the livingroom to go get some pillows. We made Georgi comfortable in in a better persision for her to deliver the baby before Brad and TRis returned back with some towels and a flannel and a bowl of water. "Thanks guys now will you go and get some baby clothes that we've bought like baby grows just get all the clothing we have for newborn babys and pack them into my mini suite case then bring them down here and go find Connor please." I orderd they nodded before dissaperaing agin. "Sky is there anything I can do?" James asked science he was stood there like a spare part. "Yeah actually will you hold onto Georgia's hand pass me a towel and with your other hand dab Georgia's fore head with the flannel. Now Georgia take small but fast breaths and when I say push push okay?" I asked she nodded then did as I said I placed the towel over Georgia's legs and waited. "Right Georgia push now" I yelled she nodded and pushed whilst screaming and squeezing James hand to death. "Connor get here now otherwise your gonna miss the birth of your baby!" I yelled just then I heard running foot steps and then Connor apperared with Georgia's bag in her hand. "What's happening I thought she wouldn't be having the baby until we get to the hospital?" Connor said now pacing incase you didn't know this but when Con is nervous he paces up and down. "Right Con calm down and go and sit next to Georgia and hold her hand James will you go and tell the girls what's happening please but tell them to stay out there for when the ambulance comes back. Connoor everynow and again dab Georgias forehead with this flannel to cool her down." James nodded before slipping on his Nike trainers and heading out. "Sky I..I need to push" Georgia said I could tell that she's in pain. "Right okay Georgia on 3 push ready 1, 2, 3 PUSH!" I yelled she pushed as hard as she could. "Georgia your doing fantastic isn't she Con?" I said nodding. "Oh yeah Georgia your doing amazing I'm so proud of you just keep on going okay? Your almost there"Connor said then kissed the top of her head I smiled at how cute it was and then said "Right Georgia are you ready to push again?" she nodded and I said "Okay.. Push"  I could see the head now I reckon she's only got another 3 pushes left to do. "Right Georgia I can see the babys head so I need you to do a massive push okay? when I say so" "Sky I.. I can't I've got no energy in me I'm sorry Connor" Georgia replied to us while a single tear fell from her eye. "Georgia, don't be so silly ofcourse you can do this your strong you've got to do another 2 pushes that's it. Two pushes then you and Con are gonna have your beautiful baby boy or girl. Trust me Georgia you can do it." I said Connor smiled and Geprgia nodded her head asif to say@theinvisiblesister 'okay'. "Brad, Tris how much more lnger are you too gonna be she's nearly had the baby so we need the baby grows and fast oh and grab the baby blankets please" I yelled up to the boys I heard a faint okay before I went back to Georgia. "Right Georgia on 3 do a big push for as long as you can, okay Georgia no doubts you can do this." "Okay thankyou for helping me Sky and Connor thankyou for letting me crush your hand to death I love you and are almost born baby. Now Sky I'm ready." me and Connor both replied to her before I said "Right Georgia push right NOW!" I yelled at Georgia she screamed even louder than she did before then did a massive sigh, I could tell that she's all worn out but she's almost done. "Here has the baby been born yet?" Tristan and Brad both yell as they come rushing down the stairs. "No the baby hasn..." I started but then the living room door burst open "Has the baby been born yet?" James asked "Like I was saying no the baby will be born in about 5 minuets or less Georgia get your energy together for one last big push then you'll have your baby in your arms okay? James come here and get hold of that towel there and hold it in your arms ready. Brad go get a bowl of warm water and a sponge now and Tris get a baby grow out and the baby blanket too. Right Georgia when Brad gets back with the water you can push then okay Brad hurry up!" I ordered everyone did as I said and Brad returned about 30 seconds later with the sponge and water. "Right Georgia one last big push as big as you can okay? Right on the count of 3. 1, 2, 3!" All of a sudden the house was filled with Georgias scream then boom it was silent. But onpy for a few seconds when the silence was replaced with a cry not just any cry a babys cry. I placed the new born baby into the towel that James had ready and walked over to the bowl and slightly wet the sponge and carefully cleaned the face of Connor and Georgia's baby, before walking over and handing the baby to Georgia. "Aww Con look at are precious little....."

2161 words your welcome 😊 what do you think will Georgia and Connor have a boy or girl? Comment what you think or want the baby to be. 3 votes for another update?

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