The Concert

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After talking for a little while longer we had to leave we hugged the boys and said goodbye.
Brads P.O.V
The concert had already started and I was texting Sky already talking to her whilst the tide, Luke friend and union J was on at the end of every text I kept sending her an 'x' to her I couldn't help myself. I really like this girl I don't know why but I do. I knew she was in the wow pit and she told me she was at the very front you see I told her to go in a certain spot where I stand so she could pull funny faces at me and I could sing to her (obviously I left the last part out.) when we ran onto stage I spotted her she was stood where I told her to she looked up at me and I winked and did my famous cheeky smile to her once she returned the wink Her sister called Sarah was screaming her head off when we all came on stage sky just looked at her then joined in. We had a new competition to do I couldn't wait. "Okay everyone I guess you lovely lot know who we are right ?" I spoke and the arena just filled with screams. "Okay so we're doing a little competition one of you lovely lot gets to come up on stage in a bit but that's not it we'll sing a song of your choice to you who wants a chance to win?" Yet agin more screaming as the reply "okay then all you have to go is go on Twitter tweet your name you seat number block and row. Like this we'll do it as me James Mc vey wow pit 16. And then I've got a chance everyone who's in the wow pit just put your name wow pit and the number on your wrist band thing okay so who wants to win ?" James spoke and more screaming answered him."yeah we'll go and do that now we'll be picking the winner in 10 minutes." Connor spoke getting lots of 'we love you con' back with the screaming. "Okay now you've got 2 options we can just stand here for the next 10 minutes or we could play some songs what's it gonna be America ?" Tristan spoke excitedly "Songs" the audience yelled back we all looked at each other and shouted down the mics "I can't here you !" The arena was now roaring at us song. We started to play 'Up town funk' but are version of it then it went into 'Shake it off' by Taylor swift (James choice). After that it was time to announce the winner "okay so the winner of are little competition is ...Sky Barlow in the wow pit number 22 congrats Sky are bouncer will come get you right now." Tristan spoke all I could think about is if that's my Sky the girl who I think I'm in love with. Wait what I'm not in love with Sky I can't be I need to get rid of these thoughts. We played another song which was a thousand years another cover. Then Connor spoke " okay sky you can come onto the stage now and we'll sing one of are songs to you come on don't be shy." Out came Sky my sky god I sound like an idiot we're only mates so why am I thinking like this I just can't help myself. "So Sky what song do you want us to sing to you ?" James asked her.
Sky's P.O.V
I don't really know many of there songs so what the hell am I gonna say without sounding like I don't listen to there music oh god. "would you sing ... Em I'm to sure why doesn't the audience pick." The arena erupted with screams I looked over at Brad he passed me the mic and I spoke "okay everyone you get to choose what these lovely guys sing to you choose now!" I looked over at my sister and she was screaming 'shout about it.' "Okay who wants them to sing shout about it?" The arena was now chanting "shout about it" I laughed and Joe brought out a few chairs one for me and one for Connor, James and Brad.Just before the song began Tristan said "if you've got a light put it in the air please" and before I knew it I looked around and it reminded me of when I was camping with my twin brother a tear came and rolled down my cheek I quickly pushed it away so no body seen it I looked over at my sister and she knew. tears where coming down her face too I grabbed hold of my locket to tell her why I was crying and she did the same we both looked up to remember are brother. As Brad was singing the song he was looking directly at me his eyes where looking into mine and I felt as if he could see into my heart.As the lyrics "Beneath the window and the water that's in your eyes
That's where I know you're hiding
There's a smile that could light up a thousand lives
And you need reminding
Tell me your fears, don't let 'em live a life alone
Let me share the burden
Cause here beside you, there's a man you better no, no, no
Who you can confide in."
I felt as if Brad meant them. I've just realised that I've fallen for Brad omg what why no no no I can't do that he only likes me as a mate and that's how it will stay. Shortly after the song ends and they have a little break I head off back stage say thanks to the boys for singing that song and hug them goodbye. As I turn round on me heals and go to take a step someone grabbed hold of my arm. I turned around and it was Brad "hey you're going suffering agin tomorrow right?" Brad asked I nodded "well me and Tris will come and hangout with you again as mates only if you want tho." Brad spoke sounding extremely nervous whilst scratching the back of his neck. I stood there for a second or two pretending to think about it just to annoy him." Well I don't know if I want to hangout with you again. Hum ... I guess it's either you,Tris and the beach or my bed and food. Now that's a tough question." I said just to annoy him. "Oh come on you can spend a day in bed with food another day your only gonna be in America for 3 more weeks and it's a once in a life time opportunity to hangout with one supper,fit,funny,cool boy and an idiot that are world famous." Brad replied "oh well when you put it like that deal but Brad ?" I asked trying to hold in my laughter at what I was going to say. " Yes sky what is it?" Brad asked with a questioning look on his face." You really shouldn't call your self an idiot you do have a very and I mean very small brain!" James, Connor, Dean, Fin, Joe and Tristan all burst out laughing along with me. "Hilariously funny sky." Brad said sounding pleased with his come back." I know your face is Brad you don't have to tell us that!" I responded which made everyone laugh even more. I just had a cheeky smile on my face as Brad pouted at me.

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