Oh crap

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Tristan's P.O.V
We've all agreed to meet in the garage so I was being a sneaky, silent, soup ninja and I guess that the other boys were too. I was just going to leave the house when I heard some mumbling of two female voices. Oh crap its Sky and Georgia! I ran as fast as my skinny chicken like legs could carry me to the garage. By the time I'd got there a all the other boys were here too. I decided not to ask any questions because of us needing to be quite but I thought we where all kinda being awkward so I decided to speak up "Erm.. James has Georgia replied to you yet ?" I whispered over to James. He replied in a barley audio response "Yeah she said she'll give us a few minutes then suggest it too Sky then she'll call." Everyone nodded their head as if to say 'Okay' and then we were all back to the silence. After about a minute or two we heard a sound but not just any sound a ring tone. "Guys who's phone is ringing I'm sure I said to put it on fucking silent what about if Sky and Georgia here it. We're all gonna be fucking caught!Whoever it is you're an arse hole and I'm never gonna buy them they're favourite food agin." Brad whisper shouted at us. We all grabbed are phones out of are pockets to see who was the ' arse hole' is well it wasn't me I'm feeling proud of myself for remembering then I said "it's not me" with quiet a smug smile on my face then James and Connor said at the exact same time "It's not me either Tris... Wait a minute this is weird... Mary had a little pineapple and a duck named Brian." Wow talk about a Jonnor moment. "Wait if it's not me or Jonnor then Brad it's your phone hah you're the 'Arse hole ' and you can never buy yourself Ben and Jerry's ice cream agin!" I whispered to him. "Erm Brad since when was your lock screen that?" (See picture at the top^)
I looked at what it was and had to stop myself from laughing.
"Oh crap this is Sky's phone! Boys I must of picked it up when I dropped my phone because they look the same oh crap what are we gonna do ?!" Brad whisper shouted at us. "Wen lad's I don't want to make this any worse but I'm sure I've just heard someone shout Georgia I can hear my phone it must be in the garage!' So we're gonna get caught. Brill well done Bradley!" Connor whispered and then gave a 'You're such an idiot' look to Brad. "Wait I've got an idea this has two entirety's Brad plant the phone over near the camera and let's go now!" James ordered us and because nobody else has an idea we did what James said. Brad keeping up the fact that we're ninjas he rolled over to the camera and placed Sky's phone next to it then rolled back to us. We all then rolled over to the door and ninja jumped out of the garage before running as fast as possible too the back of the garden and behind some bushes.

Sky's P.O.V 
Ugh where the hell is my phone I thought I left it in the living room. Georgia being the smart one suggested that we called my phone to find it and I happily agreed. She was searching up stairs for the sound and I was looking down stairs and outside. I suddenly heard my ring town is sounded far away so I followed the noise until I came to my garage well photography studio. What the heck I haven't even been in here all day oh well it least I've got my phone back now. "Georgia I've got my phone now let's go!" I yelled through the house. Georgia came bouncing down the stairs to me and then we left.

Just my luck // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now