Dream more like nightmare

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Just thought I'd let you know this is Sky's dream
             Sky's P.O.V
I woke up at 10 and went to get out of bed when I was stopped. I couldn't move. I'm trapped. Wait this isn't my room Im not in my bed but on a chair with my feet and arms tied up. Shit this must be  Robert! I screamed for help but instead of my night in shining armour coming to the rescue it was Robert. "Oh well look who's awake little Sky" Robert spoke in a snotty judging tone. "Aw is little Sky hurt?" Robert cooed. "You know what Robert your a horrible bastered, a pathetic little piece of shit! You get your kicks by hurting someone or killing them! You don't have one person who gives a fuck about you and if you died right now I can guarantee that nobody would come to your funeral or come to your grave to give a moment of respect to you. I'd be the only person who would go to your grave just to spit on it and you'd be in hell. My point is Robert nobody cares about you! You should be rotting in hell! You're the man that killed my brother and the man that's made my family's life hell. We are watching our back every day for 6 fucking years straight! You have made are lives hell because of you I was crying myself to sleep every night for 3 months and locking myself up in Dillion's room for a month because of you I wanted to be dead. Because of you every year I lock myself away in Dillion's room for days. Because of you I cut myself! Now let me go!" I shouted. He just stood at the door way and started laughing at me. "Fine I'll let you go but just after I tell you this, the reason that I want you dead is because you're a slut a hore. Go do everyone a favour and go kill your self!" Then he was up in my face I was going to say something but then hit slapped me. "Are you do now? Just let me go" I spoke I need to get out of here. And fast. "Yeah I'm done I'll untie you now." He spoke with an evil smirk on his face. Oh god he's gonna kill me. Then before I knew it he got a knife and stabbed me I couldn't scream or cry I froze.
--------End of dream---------
I woke up crying and breathing heavily. I checked the time it's only 3am great. I don't wanna sleep by myself I wonder if anyone is up. I went out of my bedroom and went to the first door I seen Brads what he said that I could go talk to him and that he's always they're for me. I walked in his room to see him fast asleep in bed. 'I can't wake him up its not fair I'm gonna go.' I thought to myself, I turned around to leave his bedroom and I heard a voice. "Sky? Are you okay what's up baby?" A voice spoke it was obviously Brads. "Sorry for waking you up I'll go now." I replied back as I carried on walking out. "No Sky what's up dos you have a bad dream?" Brad whispered to me. "Dream more like nightmare" I said back in response to Brad. "Come on, come here get in bed and tell me what happened." Brad whispered Barack to me patting the bed. I agreed and got in bed with Brad, I told him all about the nightmare I we decided to go to sleep. I went to get out of bed when two arms grabbed me from behind and pulled me back in. "Where do you think your going Sky?" Brad whispered in my ear seductively. "I'm going to bed Bradley?" I said back but it came out as more of a question. "Come on sleep with me tonight please then if you do have another nightmare I'm here for you so you can wake me up." Brad said coming closer to me. "Fine only because I can't be bothered to move." I said back he just chuckled at my words. Before I knew it me and Brad where spooning, but that's not it Brad was quietly singing shout about it in my ear. I soon fell back asleep in Brads arms.
Hey everyone thanks for reading 1.38k reads that's mad! But will you do me a favour and go vote on my chapters please. Oh and go follow me on Twitter @Bradftwifi is my name so go follow me if you want. Make sure you vote on my chapters because then they'll be an update even faster. Bye for now and make sure you stay 3000% cool like a watermelon 🍉 bye and keep dancing!💃

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