The land of truth

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*This is Sky's dream*
Sky's P.O.V
I was in these woods surround by trees I was on the floor I don't know why. The woods looked like the ones near my house so I decided to get up and walk after all what's the worse  that can happen? I've been walking for about 10 minutes on a little path when the path broke off into two sides left and right they both looked the same I went down the left side still following the path. When all of a sudden I seen a man the man began running up to me. I know what you're thinking 'run get away from him he could be anyone go on run!' But I feel like I know him so I began running to him. I heard him shout my nickname  'Tich' nobody has ever called me that but... No it can't be can it Dillion I halted in my tracks scared,was that really Dillion? The man continued to run to me his face became clearer and I couldn't believe it its Dillion! I began to cry as he reached me we gave each other a big hug. "How are you even here Dillion you died. Didn't you?" I asked unsure of what to believe. "Sky listen I haven't got long but I know what the man did to you. I know that you got rapped but listen to me you're going to get through this do you know why?" Dillion asked me I shook my head to what he just asked me "You'll get through this because you're my sister, my twin and you know that I live on through you that's how come I know you'll be alright. You've got your friends and that boyfriend of yours. I want to tell you something, listen to Bradley okay? It wasn't his fault that girl his ex-girlfriend called Beth do you remember him and Tristan explaining themselves to you and he said about that friend who used them to go on holiday well that's Beth. She through herself at him a second before you walked in.  Listen to me don't worry about Robert he won't be bothering you anytime soon okay? And Sky I'm sorry to tell you this but the man that rapped you will one day come back into your life. One last thing before I disappear I know how much you like Brad and I know that you want a family of your own with him but you're scared of what mum and dad will think. Well for the record I'm behind you. And I know that Bradley wants to have a kid or two with you but he's scared to ask you. I know that normally you can't see me sis but I'm always there I was there when you where taking pictures of the vamps at your house I was there at the park,I'm always there with you Sky your never alone. I'm here okay sis I love you and if you really want to have a kid with Bradley then please talk to him but don't hang around because they go on tour and so do you. Oh and listen to me this is very important I don't want you crying anymore Tich. I really don't not over that man and what he did. No more tears over the man who rapped you and I mean that he doesn't deserve those tears of yours. I don't want my sister scared and worried crying herself asleep scared to go out I want you to love your life not afraid of anything. " Dillion finished his little speech and hugged me agin "Thankyou Dill for being the best twin ever please stay by my side I need you and come and talk to me in my dreams more often please Dill I miss you and if me and Brad do have a boy it's name will have Dillion in it somewhere I promise. I miss you bro." I half whispered as I cried into his shoulder. "I must go now sis you'll see me in another dream soon I'm always with you remember that I love you sis to the moon and back." Dillion said as he let go of me he began walking away from me. "I love you too. To the moon and back. Please don't go.... Please Dillion I need you.... NO come back...... Di..llion!" I shouted as loud as I could in between sobs as my brother left me.  
*End of dream*
I quickly sat up straight breathing heavily and began crying. I can't believe it was all that Dillion said true did Brad really do nothing wrong and does he actually want to have kids with me? Well I guess there's only one way to find out I'm gonna call him and ask. I picked up my phone and looked at the time it's 6:26am yay Brad definitely won't be up right now will he? I know I'll text him saying when you see this call me then when he wakes up he can call me.
*Message to
Breadly bear🐻*
'Hi it's me call me when you see this need to talk to you about what happened. Xxx'
I sent the message I decided to wake Georgia up and tell her what Dillion said to me and that and see what she thinks also to get some food because I'm really hungry. What I eat when I'm nervous.

Just my luck // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now