The day he met the purist

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      I was only nine years old when I first found out that my father was an abusive drunk. When I finally old enough to move out I moved to LA and that's when I found the Cortez. I was about twenty-four years old and trying to find a fresh start in life and the Cortez gave that to me.

     First time I stepped into the Cortez it made me feel like I was in a palace or something it was beautiful. There I greeted by the most eccentric person ever.

"Hello, my dear! Welcome to my hotel!" The man said cheerfully flinging around his cane. He managed to get a giggle out of me that made him smile.

"Why thank you! You must be the infamous Mr. March the owner of this wonderful masterpiece!" I gestured as I curtsied, he took my hand and laid a kiss upon it.

"Yes, masterpiece it is! Now, lovely what is your name?" He smiled.

"It's Lily"

    It was a new feeling you know being cherished all the time Mr. March gave me everything that I wanted, that I asked for anyway. He treated me like a fragile piece of glass or China that you ordered off line it was very fragile he didn't want anything to hurt me or that's what I thought he was trying to do. Maybe he was just trying to protect me from something even more sinister than I thought. At the time I didn't think any anything of it.

"These past few months have been the best months of my life" I whispered into his ear as my body rested on top of his. He grins and pulls a strand of my hair out of my face, "Me too! You're certainly one in a million, my love"

He got up and started to put his undershirt back on, today he seemed rushed like something was bothering him. "Is there something on your mind?" I asked wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"No, I'm just tired that's all. I have this big dinner planned tonight for work and I'm just stressed" he wrinkled his nose.

"You'll do fine. I have faith in you" I kissed him on his cheek.

"I love you" he mumbled, I grabbed his face and embraced him into a kiss, "I love you too, my darling".

    As he left me in my apartment room, I started to wonder why our relationship seemed so exclusive, I mean we couldn't go out anywhere we had to stay at the Cortez and especially my room but why? Was he ashamed of me? I got up from my bed and slipped on a button up shirt that he had left one of the numerous times he came. Then I heard a knock on my door I was hoping it was James but I knew that was wishful thinking.

"Hello", I looked at the very pale, blond woman. She was so Beautiful, so poise it made my stomach churn. "How may I help you?" I asked trying to cover my bare legs. She examined me from my feet to my head.

"May I?" she gestured towards the inside of my apartment, "Of Course, come in". She walked towards a chair by the window and sat and crossed her legs like the poised woman she had portrayed. "I've seen you around, you have intrigued me" she smiled as caressed the glass on the table.

"Excuse me?" I stumbled with my thoughts, How did I intrigue her? Did I sexually intrigue her? She gestured me to sit on the bed so I did. "How old are you my dear?"

"twenty-four, Ma'am" I shifted my position on the bed. "Call me, Elizabeth my dear" She smiled at me, that's when my heart melted I didn't quite understand why my heart felt this way, but for some odd reason, I felt enchanted. "Okay".

"Do you want to be friends, darling?" she asked licking her lips.

"Sure, I'd like that a lot, Elizabeth", she smiled at me.

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