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"Tate!" A woman screams through the house. She running up the stairs to only hear gun shots.

"No! My baby boy! What have you done?" she cried as she clasped to the floor holding her only son. "Shh, it's okay" She cried caressing her once so innocence son. The woman suddenly look up at the young girl who was watching the whole thing happen.

"He could of changed!" She cried.

Lily felt an eerie feeling wrap over her like a blanket. Then she felt a presence behind her and that was Tate. He grabbed her hand and gave her that familiar smile.

"You can't get rid of me so easy" He smirked not even acknowledging his crying mother.

"This is a dream" Lily whispered.

"It's whatever you'd like it to be, dearest" A familiar voice whispered into her ear causing shivers to go down her back. She backs away turning around to see James instead of Tate.

"Get out of my head!" Lily cries holding her head.

He walks up to her and lifts her chin so he could see her.

"We are meant to be! Lily stop this nonsense with Elizabeth."

She backs away from him even more then she steps in a puddle of blood, she looks to the floor to see herself, covered with blood. Then she her parents start to appear also causing her stomach to knot up.

"We're both killers. Remember the killer in me, is the killer in you" He whispered to her as he started to disappear.

"Lily!" Liz's voice came out of nowhere causing Lily to wake up. "Were you having a nightmare?"

Lily sits up with her whole body sticky with sweat. Lily starts to cry not caring is Liz saw. Liz sits next to her.

"I think I'm going crazier than I already am"

"This place will do that to you, including the people in it" Liz smiled.

"What time is it?"

"10:30 in the morning. You have a visitor"

"Who is that?"

"She's an older lady"

"Oh Constance?"

"Yeah I do believe that was her name" He smiled.


"Constance? What are you doing here?" I asked walking down the stairs and to the front desk where she was standing.

"I wanted to visit" She smiled.

"Ha um well, can I show you around"

"Sure! I'd love that! Oh and this is from Tate. Since he couldn't come, you know"

She hands me a little note.

"When you think we are on good terms, you should come by sometime" I read to myself, and shoved the note in my pocket. "Do you want to see a penthouse, Constance?"


I guided her up to Elizabeth's penthouse, and went to the door and knocked first and opened it up, what was on the other side surprised us both.

"Lily! Come! I wanna you to meet some friends" Elizabeth smiled, seemed happy.

When the two figures turned around, I instantly felt as if I was shot in the heart.

"Hello, Love"

Don't Fall In Love (AHS Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now