Can't Cheat Death

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Present day

"Lily? Wake up?" Donovan asked shaking her as she laid on the floor of her apartment.

"What?" Lily asked sitting up and feeling her head. "I think you fell or slipped, you okay?" Donovan asked helping her to the bed. "Yeah I think that was way to weird." Lily spoke as she laid back down on the bed. "Your door was open so something had to be up" Donovan explained as he went into her bathroom to get a wet wash cloth.

"Here" lily grabbed the washcloth and smiled at Donovan. She placed the washcloth over her forehead and just sat there for a little bit until Donovan made an awkward speak when he moved towards her on the bed

"So are you okay?" He asked her as she bit the edge do her bottom lip. She nodded and that's when she drew blood. "God damnit" lily groaned licking her bloody lip. Donovan glanced at her reaction and started to lick his lips and imagining that blood in his mouth. "Here" Donovan spoke as he reached for her lips and kissed the dripping blood away from her lips. Causing an odd smile to appear on Lily's face, she leaned into Donovan kissed him again placing her hand on his shoulder.

Donovan fought the urge to bite her and feed his sexual urges also but he held back. "I have to go" Donovan mumbled as he pulled away. "Okay" lily spoke to herself as she shuck her head in embarrassment.


"Are you okay, darling?" Elizabeth whispered as she pet my hair. I felt like I just got hit by a bus but I wasn't going to tell her that. I licked my dry lips and felt my stomach, the wound was gone but how? "If I'm not dead then what am I" I asked scooting away from her.

"It's not what you are but what I did to you" she chuckled as she gazed at me. "Which is?" She got up from the couch and went towards her bar and filled a glass with

"Drink. You're very dehydrated", I got up and tried my hardest not to vomit.

"That's blood "

She smiled at me and went towards me, "I gave you the life you deserved" she put her index finger on my lower lip and pressed her own lips on me. I stood there frozen. I didn't know what to do. She held on to me as she kissed me. She guided me to the edge of the bed and sat me down. "I've been enchanted with you for some time now" she whispered as she climbed onto my lap.
"You remind me of someone I once loved & she loved me too" before I could ask who she embraced me into a body tingling kiss. She pushed me down on the bed as she wrapped herself around my waist she didn't take no time in slipping off her dress.

"Wait" I whispered.

"What?", I looked at her and saw the truth in her eyes and that's when I pulled the buttons apart from my dress and kissed her. I knew that I had fallen madly in love with her, and him.

As the record played I looked around at my surroundings I saw Elizabeth beside me, she looked beautiful. I decided to adventure out of the apartment in her silk robe. "We can go away from here, and live and wonder this adventurous world together" was the only thing running through my mind would it be that simple? But what about James? Would she understand that I loved him too? I reached towards the hallway window and looked down. I took a breath into the cold crisp air.

"Cheating death is not permitted" a voice came up behind and pushed me out the window.

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