Show Yourself

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*I'd just like to say how happy I am that so many people like this story. Thank you for all your support!*

Present Day

"So what's our plans elizabeth?" I asked as I placed my hand on her leg.

"Well..we could come out as lovers and get married I mean it has been a solid good month since Drake has passed." she grabbed my chin and almost kissed me but instead she teased me with a pucker of her lips.

"It still may be to soon though. And I didn't mean plans like that I meant are we going to just be at the cortez forever or." i stopped .

"What do you want to do?"

"Whatever you want." I smiled.

"Okay then we'll stay"

I faked another smile and told her that I need some alone time, I walked the halls of the cortez and that's when I found my way to the bar like I always do. John was sitting, Donovan was too. "You know she really doesn't love you right?" Donovan smirked as he sat next to me. "What are you babbling about, she does" I Snap back at him. "NO she doesn't know how to love! She's been alive for so long she forgot what love means"

"Why do you even care?"

"I have a plan, and I'd like you in on it" he smiled, "I can tell..that your love has run out for her. I can see it in your eyes..She'll never let you love some else"

"And if I do help you with what ever it is, what do I get out of it"

"Ill show you where he is"

I gave him a puzzled look, "Who?", "Show me who?"

"I'll bring you to James March"

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