Spicing Things Up

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Her skin was so soft it seemed like it couldn't get softer. When I was younger the term 'lesbian' was an urban thing it wasn't brought up yet in that time of age. I would assume that people frowned upon the subject but it didn't stop Elizabeth from experimenting with girls and everything else.

"When I first realized women was appealing to me, was my first love or loves more like it. Maybe it was just my constant need for sex but it works for me" Elizabeth whispered into my ear as I laid next to her.

I knew right away that Elizabeth did not truly loved someone like other people. She was in lust with people. She had told me that each of her lovers had a different scent that went along with their lust for sex.

"Your scent reminds me the first time I saw my best friend, Susie. She was years older than me so that's why she was already developing in the feminine area"

I wish I would of know everyone to her was just a phase. I was just a phase.

"Love me, obey me, and I'll be your slave" that's what she had told me once after we made love.

"Lily? Are you okay? You seem distracted." Elizabeth spoke causing me to snap out of my trance.

"Just thinking about what it's like to love two people at the same time"

"That's exciting."


She smiles and touches my hair, "loving to people it's exciting. Is that what you seek?"

She caresses my thigh as she giggles. "We all need to love each other in order for it to work. Or it's not fun, it's just jealousy"

That's what I fear

"Perhaps it be interesting. How does it work?" I started to humor her.

"You need to start learning the term "swingers" then we can begin"

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