The Baddest At Being Bad

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Present Day

"Hey! It's Donovan I'd like to tell you that I'm really sorry for what I did a few days was really stupid" Donovan mumbled through Lily's door.

She was directly behind the door listening to the whole thing, deciding whether she should forgive a lame crush, or just forget about him but that be really hard since they both are in the hotel. she unlocked her door, and there he was smiling.

"Before you say anything else, I have to tell you something important, first if we ever kiss again, don't EVER run off like that, second..come in", Donovan laughed and went in as she asked, he had her jeans, and plaid shirt over her cameo. Donovan thought to himself, 'Lily looked so sexy in that outfit'.

"So that John guy? Is he a thing now?" Donovan asked, Lily quickly shooked her head, "Um no way, and apparently he has someone that i should stay clear of so yeah" Lily mumbled. Donovan secretly celebrated his personal victory. Lily started to take off her shirt and that's when Donovan quickly looked away making her laugh. 'It's not like you haven't seen this stuff before", she had slipped on her beetles t-shirt, she wrapped her arms around him and smelled his Cologne. "you smell good" he smiled, "thanks"

she pulled him onto her bed and wrapped her legs around him sending shivers down his spine. She messed with his shirt, and began to pull it off of him. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm curious"

Lily smiled, and kissed him and pushed him down on the bed. He started to kiss her back and ran his hands down her back. Donovan's need grew.

All the seven deadly sins are man's true nature. To be greedy. To be hateful. To have lust. Of course, you have to control them, but if you're made to feel guilty for being human, then you're going to be trapped in a never-ending sin-and-repent cycle that you can't escape from.

"Ouch!" she groaned as Donovan bit her neck, Donovan reached for his little pocket knife. he drove the knife into his chest, letting blood drip to the surface, he grabbed lily's face and let her lick the blood. Donovan moaned in pleasure.

"That was...interesting" Lily whispered as she clasped on her bed on her back.

If one wants another only for some self-satisfaction, usually in the form of sensual pleasure, that wrong desire takes the form of lust rather than love..Lily began to drift off, maybe it was the sexual high, or something more sinister at work. We are able to find everything in our memory, which is like a dispensary or chemical laboratory in which chance steers our hand sometimes to a soothing drug and sometimes to a dangerous poison.


"I see her every other year perhaps. I guess every time i think I'm going to say something, I can't spill it out"

"Do you think she remembers who you are?"

"Now that's the thing, I know for a fact she doesn't..she's dead but isn't at the same time.", she looked out the window, "She's stuck in this time loop, reliving the end of her life without the memories"

"And why do you feel like it's your fault?"

"Because it is, because- I..saved her"

Present day

I woke up with an interesting feeling, numbness would be the first thing to come to mind. I sat up to realize that I was in my bed. I walked up to go to the bathroom but the door was locked. Who was in my bathroom? I nudged the door a little, and then it unlocked. The door swung open and a half naked man stood before me.

"Who the hell are you? and why are you my room?" i screamed backing away from him he seemed confuzzled.

"Lily? It's Donovan? What's wrong with you?" He asked grabbing my shoulders.

And then it hit me, like semi truck metaphorically. My Head started to pound with all these memories flooding back in, like a big tsunami. I fell to the ground, while my head processed all what had happen, the only thought going through my mind was,

"Am I dead, again?"

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